제 25 장

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"So what should we try first?" Jimin smiled down at Aera.

"That." Aera said excitedly, pointing at the ride as they walk hand in hand.

Jimin hesitate looking at the huge ship.

His stomach knotted.

"Urmm... shouldn't we try something else first? Or... urmm... go eat?" He reasoned.

Tilting her head at him, she smirked.

"Are you scared? I thought you said you'll be an Oppa today and protect me." She teased.

Swallowing his pride, Jimin nodded. Hoping that Aera would change her mind, she didn't.

Jimin sighed, regretting coaxing Aera to skip school and going to the theme park.

They should have gone to the arcade or the escape room. Somewhere with no scary rides.

Somewhere that he don't have to wear a freaking rabbit headband.

"Too bad there's no cat or duck headband," that's what Aera said when she put it on him

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"Too bad there's no cat or duck headband," that's what Aera said when she put it on him.

Cat headband he understands... he seen those around but duck headband? He can't really visualise it.

And now he's here. Standing in the headband, feeling extremely nervous cause the girl has a death wish.

Who should he blame? Himself.

"It's okay, Diminie. Noona is here... just hold my hand if you're scared." She teased.

Standing on her tiptoe, she whispered in his ear. "I'll protect you."

Her breath tickling his ear.

Jimin could feel the shiver going down his neck, he was getting goosebumps.

He gulped down his saliva as he watch Aera skip to the ship innocently.

Get a grip Park Jimin.

He shook his head and followed Aera.

Hands on his hips, eyes wide. Jimin stared at the huge ship. "It's so high!"

He couldn't tear his gaze away from how the ship slowly swayed in the air, getting higher and higher.


His heart beats faster as the queue got shorter and as each step brought him nearer to the ship.

The previous batch exited. It was their turn.

Aera tugged at his arm excitedly as they walk towards the horrible ship. Yes, horrible.

"I'm already scared" he whispered once they seated, grabbing at Aera's hand.

"It's not going to be that bad." She assured him.

She lied. Actually... Not really, it wasn't bad for her. It was just horrible for Jimin.

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