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"She doesn't believe me..." he said as he paced the floor of the living room. Everyone of the boys was gathered together just cause he needed their opinion.

"Sit down! You're making me dizzy." Yoongi complained.

Jimin sighed, running his hand through his hair. He plopped beside Hoseok.

"어떻게 [What do I do]?" He asked them, looking extremely desperate.

Aera did not believe him. She kept on insisting that he is on a guilt trip when he was walking her home.

She was so adamant that she stood in the middle of the street forcing him to listen to her and not wanting to move a muscle until she made him understand.

He ended up dragging her to her doorstop, he was so close to throwing her over his shoulder.

That girl was damn stubborn!

Does she or does she not like me?

But she did say she still does.

But why is she not happy? Why is she not kissing and hugging me?

"What do you expect? That she'll go '어머 너무 행복해 지미니 데이트하자 [Oh my, I'm extremely happy. Jiminie let's date]' you did push her away, 인마 [punk]!" Taehyung said trying to sound like a very excited girl.

He sounded awful.

"Come on! You expect her to literally hug you and kiss you in happiness when just a few days ago you hurt her? Of course she wouldn't!" Namjoon cocked one eyebrow at him.

Shocked, Jimin gaped at him. "I did not say anything about hugging and kissing, Hyung."

Hoseok smacked Jimin's head, "you did, dummy."

Jimin's face turned red. Too caught up in his thoughts he didn't even realise he had spoken them out loud.

"What's the big problem, Jimin-ah. You did tell her you'll prove it to her. Then do it!" Jin sighed.

Jimin fiddled with his rings, he lick his lips and smiled weakly.

"Cause apparently, Jiminie Hyung doesn't know how to do it." Jungkook laughed out loud.

Nervously, he looked at each and everyone of his friends in the eyes. Clasping his hands together, he begged. "도와주세요 [Please help me]!"

Taehyung suggested serenading Aera beneath her window like those in the romantic movies.

It would have work... he guess, if he actually gotten the right window.

It was one of those quiet nights with the perfect cool weather. Jimin stood beneath the window, singing out to her.

The window glide opened and Jimin stood excited, grinning from ear to ear. But the girl that opened the door was not Aera, she look like Aera but she wasn't.

Eyes glaring, she shouted. "Oi! Shut up! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Jimin eyes widened in shock, mouth agaped and his feet stood rooted to the ground. Aera came rushing out from the apartment building clad in a tank top and pajama bottom, her hair up in a messy half bun.

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