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"Seulgi" he acknowledged.

Righting himself up, he adjusted his cap and acted as if he didn't just ran out of the lingerie store.

"Fancy meeting you here." she teased. Jimin nodded nonchalantly and crossed his arms across his chest.

"What were you doing?" she sang.

"Nothing," he said. He turned to leave but was blocked by Seulgi.

"I saw you run out of the store, Jimin." this time she was smirking.

Do you expect me to be scared of your threat or something?

Jimin rolled his eyes. "I told you it was nothing. Mind your own business, Seulgi." he said firmly.

He side stepped her and walked away. He wanted to stay, maybe wait for Aera to come out of the store and 'accompany' her for a few more minutes or more.

But with the presence of Seulgi at the moment, it cannot be done.

"Aww... Jimin I'm sorry." she chased after him and pulling him to a stop. "Don't be mad."

Her hand still on his arm, "I was going to grab something to eat. Want to join? Since we bumped into each other and all."

Jimin sighed in frustration. "I'm not hungry."

But the moment he said that, his stomach grumbled. Nice timing, dumbo. He thought to himself.

Seulgi grinned. "I think you are." without giving Jimin a chance to say no, she linked her arm with his and walked.

"Fine." he said as he pulled his arm away.

Jimin could see the slight hint of hurt through her eyes but it quickly faded as she plastered a sweet smile and nodded.

They ended up in a cafe cause he wasn't planning to spend a long time with Seulgi.

In fact, he even suggested for them to just grab something from the convenient store.

Hassle free and lesser waiting time.

Plus he was getting extremely  uncomfortable on how touchy and whiny Seulgi is.

"You're really as serious as I thought you'd be." She said once they were seated and ordered. "I like it." She leaned towards him. Touching his arm.

Jimin raised his brows, "I'm not. I'm just serious when I'm uncomfortable." He pulled his arm away.

Seulgi laughed awkwardly, slowly pulling her hand back to her side. "I guess you act like this around Aera too, huh?" she asked while she played around with her cake.

Jimin blinked. Surprised.

"What made you think that I'm uncomfortable around her?" he asked. You piqued my interest.

"I mean you do know that she has a crush on you, right? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable for you?" she shrugged.

Jimin smirked. "Since you like me too, you guess I'm treating her the same way as I treat you?"

Seulgi got flustered, she chewed on her lips. "Y-yes." She stuttered.

"No. I'm not uncomfortable around Aera. And yes, I know she has a crush on me. You made it very clear to me the first time."

Jimin leaned back, arms crossed.

"I see. Then why am I different? Is it cause you like me too?" Seulgi teased.

Jimin laughed and shook his head.

"Nope. Just because Aera does not throw herself at me like you do. Let me be straight with you, Seulgi. I don't like you romantically."

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