제 15 장

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After gathering in the living room, they were told to settle in and rest before they start on games and dinner.

Aera, Jimin and Taehyung decided to get a bit of rest before starting on their project.

So there they were sitting in the dining area, discussing on the project when Hoseok and Soomi came in laughing.

"These two are getting suspicious." Taehyung nodded towards the new couple.

Jimin watched as Hoseok gave Soomi his loopsided grin. "진짜 오빠 [Really Oppa]?" Soomi asked.

Hoseok nodded, "I'll show you one day. I can play Mary Had A Little Lamb and My Heart Will Go On for you." He winked and randomly did a little cute jig making Soomi giggle.

It was obvious that Soomi was totally smitten with Hoseok, the way she smile up at him and she was attentive to everything he said.

"Is Hyung talking about playing the recorder with his nose?" Jungkook asked as he came in with Sunny.

"Didn't I tell Hyung to stop? It's getting old." Jungkook teased.

"아이씨 이 자식 [Aish this kid]." Hoseok kicked Jungkook playfully. Jungkook hid behind Sunny, laughing.

Sunny stood in the middle with a blank face as the boys played around. Annoyed with them, she turned and slapped Jungkook on his chest softly.

"아 그만 [Ah stop]!" She snapped, Jungkook who now had his hands on Sunny's shoulder grinned sheepishly down at her.

"미안 [sorry]," he said as he gave her his bunny smile and tilt his head.

Jimin narrowed his eyes on the other couple

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Jimin narrowed his eyes on the other couple. "So are these two."

Very very suspicious. He thought.

"I think it's cute." Aera shrugged. "They look good together." She smiled looking at the two couple.

"You're right, Hobi Hyung does look good with Soomi," Taehyung agreed. "But Jungkook is still a baby!" He whined.

Jimin nod his agreement.

Aera rolled her eyes at them. "You're the baby." She pinched Taehyung's cheeks.

Her reaction made all three of them pause in shock. That was a very bold move, Aera would never initiate any physical contact with them unless they, Jimin and Taehyung started it first.

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