제 20 장

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School reopened and Jimin still have not catch a glance of Aera.

Recalling the day he woke in her bed with everyone staring down at him, pissed.

They had thought that he did something to her.

Aera was missing, she went back to Seoul.

Not giving him a chance to apologise or confess his feelings. And leaving the necklace he bought.

Jimin wanted to chase after her but was advised not to, she need her space.

Feeling desperate, he confessed that he like her to his brothers.

"We know." Was what they said.

"No. I mean, I like her, like her. More than a friend."

"Dude! We know. The only one who didn't were you and Aera." Taehyung shook his head.

Once in Seoul, he went in search for her but Aera was no where to be found.

She didn't answer anyone's call neither was she at home. The only thing he knows was that she's fine and not to worry.

He worried that something might happen to her and he won't know, worried that she won't accept his apology. Worried she won't give him a chance.

And then she called Taehyung. Of course why would she call him? He did hurt her.

Jimin was there when she called and when he called out to her, he could hear her hesitation. Apologising to him, she ended the call.

It was frustrating, he wanted to strangle her but he wanted to hug her more. He just want her in front of him and in his arms.

He texted her tons of time. Hoping she'll reply.

Aera-ah, why did you suddenly go?

Have you reached Seoul safely?

Why did you text the rest but not me? Am I not your friend too?

I know I was mean, I know I hurt you. I'm sorry... please at least reply.

Please reply.

Kang Aera-ah.......

뚱아 [Chubs-ah]....... 제발 [Please]!

She didn't, it was always on read.

But then when she finally did, Jimin didn't know he would feel so relief just to see her texts.


미안해 [Sorry]

I just needed some time to think.

Of course, you are my friend. I'll come back being a friend too.

I'm sorry for being such a jerk.


You should have waited a bit longer or at least you should have woken me up.

I can't. Especially not when the first thing I see when I woke up is you right next to me. I can't be a friend to you if I stayed.

Drawn to You | PJM - [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now