제 36 장 - Soomi

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Aera sat on Jimin's lap, one arm around his shoulders while his right arm entwined around her waist and the other playing with the couple ring doning on her left ring finger that he bought for them.

It was a thick silver ring with vines carved in the middle, entwining and entangling all around the finger and a small diamond embedded in the center.

A simple yet intricate design to represent their personalities and relationship.

"When will Hobi Oppa tell Soomi?" Aera asked as she played with his hair subconsciously.

They were sitting on one of the pool bench in the indoor water park, watching Soomi and Hoseok play in the water.

While the rest of the group was no where to be found, probably riding the slides or playing somewhere else.

Except for Yoongi who was chilling beside them.

The point was to hang out together and have fun and also teach Soomi how to swim.

But the job to teach Soomi fell solely on Hoseok.

"When he has the courage" Yoongi said, opening one eye to look at the other couple.

"But when-" Aera frowned.

Jimin pinched her cheeks, tsking at her. Cutting her off.

"You should mind your own business, Chubs. Let them be... things will fall in place for them on their own. Like how it is for us."

Aera pout, rubbing her cheeks.

"Hopefully it won't be dramatic. Like you two." Yoongi added.



Yoongi laughed, his eyes now both open on the couple in the water.

Soomi was trying her best not to freak out. She was in the water, trying her damnest to float and breathe properly while listening to Hoseok's instructions.

The mission was not to drown.

But it was getting hard, especially when Hoseok gently hold onto her waist and stomach. Making sure she's floating.

Her mind was going crazy, she was feeling so embarrased at their close proximity.

But she need her mind sane so that she wouldn't mess up.

"That's it! You're doing good, babe! That's my girl..." Hoseok encouraged loudly.

He giggled as he watch Soomi swim. Like a proud boyfriend, he grinned from ear to ear.

 Like a proud boyfriend, he grinned from ear to ear

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Slowly he let go of her.

Soomi couldn't believe it, she was actually swimming! She was gliding through the waters.

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