제 29 장

22 1 0

Aera took a seat beside Namjoon, eyes scanning through the faces around the table.

She frowned. One person was missing, in fact she has not seen him since morning.

"Wheres Jimin?" Aera asked.

There was an awkward silence, Aera could see the boys looking at each other before Jungkook speak up.

"Urm... Hyung needed to do something." There was hesitation in his tone.

Aera tilt her head in confusion. "Something?" She turned her focus to Taehyung.

"Just something." Taehyung added.

Aera nodded. The boys were being extremely suspicious and Aera couldn't help feel that they're hiding something.

"Okay... what's going on?" She drawled, looking at them in the eye.

The boys nibbled on their lips, looking at each other. Refusing to answer.

"Oh look at the time! We have classes to go." Hoseok suddenly said, glancing at his watch.

"People to meet." Jin nodded.

"Subjects to study." Yoongi chirpily added which is unlike Yoongi. He would rather sleep or play basketball than go to class most of the time.

Weirdly the boy aces his classes.

Actually all of them ace their classes with little to no effort at all.

But Aera has to wreck her brain for the simplest questions. It's just unfair but that's just life.

Namjoon kept nodding his head, refusing to look at Aera. "And things to do. Well... we be going now." He said.

Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi quickly stood up and left, not giving Aera time to even react.

While Hoseok quickly turn to kiss Soomi on the cheek, making her blush and telling her that he'll meet her later before rushing after his brothers.

Aera was left confused while the remaining three kept busy with their phone.

Everyone was extremely quiet and distant. Even Soomi.

Aera: Diminie~ where are you? Aren't we supposed to meet at the foyer?

Baby💕: Sorry, Chubs. I got hold up with something... I'll just meet you and Tae in class.

Aera: Oh... Okay.

Baby💕: See you later 😘

Aera sighed.

"Let's just go, Jimin is still held up." Aera said to Taehyung.

They said their goodbyes to Soomi and Jungkook whom went the opposite way since their classes are of  that direction.

Aera and Taehyung were walking to their class, actually it was more like Aera walking to their class while Taehyung excitedly jump around beside her while rapping in her ear.

She laughed at his antics which only hype the boy more.

He started shouting random noises making Aera wince in pain and the  passerbys looking at him as if he's crazy.

"야 [Ya]! 죽을래 [Do you want to die]? 나의 귀 야 [My ear]!" She glared at him as she insert a finger in her left ear, blocking his voice.

"미안 미언 [Sorry sorry]." He sheepishly grinned at her. Hooking his arm around her neck, Taehyung lock her in a headlock  and ruffling her hair.

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