제 14 장

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Aera felt a light tap on her shoulder, "Aera, wake up. We're here." Soomi said softly.

She sighed into her warm neck pillow, loving the smell. She snuggled her head closer, feeling extremely comfortable and content.

"애라 빠리 일언나라 해가 따 [Aera quickly wake up the sun is up]" Jimin's voice was low and husky, speaking in satoori.

Aera opened her eyes groggily to see Jimin grinning down at her.

Her eyes widen.

"빠리 아니나라 [Quickly are you not waking up], 아니나라 [Are you not going to]?" He grinned wider as her eyes too grow wider.

Aera was leaning against his shoulder and Jimin has his arms wrapped around her.

The neck pillow she was snuggling into was actually Jimin.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. You're drooling all over Jimin." She heard Taehyung teased.

Aera quickly sat up straight, away from Jimin. She gave a quick glance around. Soomi was standing behind Aera's seat while Taehyung was standing beside Jimin and then there was Sunny who was sitting down at her own seat.

Everyone was grinning at her, except Sunny who had an amused look on her face.

"Sorry." she mumbled. Not daring to look at anyone.

Jimin chuckled. "Don't tease her, Taetae-ah! Don't worry, Aera. You didn't drool at all."

Taehyung laughed as he turn to alight the bus along with Soomi and Sunny.

"They're gone." Jimin said, forcing Aera to look at him.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about the whole sleeping on you thing. I didn't mean to lean." Aera fiddled with her fingers.

Truth, she had no idea how she ended up in his arms.

The last thing she remembered was Jimin pinching her cheeks which made her slap at his hands and ignoring him for the rest of the trip.

Afterwards she probably fell asleep while looking out the window. But she swear she was leaning against the window.

"You didn't. I made you lean on me cause you looked uncomfortable. Seriously, there's nothing to apologise about." He smiled and stood to leave.

"Oh! And Chubs? I had a good sleep having you as my pillow." He winked and left her sitting there awkwardly.

Her heart beat accelerating.

Aera gathered her things and was about to alight the bus when she noticed Sunny standing at the entrance of the bus. Looking like she's waiting for someone.

The only person left was Aera.

"Unnie, I need to ask you something. Is there something going on between you and Jimin Oppa?" Sunny asked the moment Aera stepped out.

Aera wasn't shock at the question, she had expected it. But is there really something between them? Other than the fact that Aera likes Jimin and he knows it.

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