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"Bitch!" Aera heard Seulgi said as she passed by.

"Who? You?" Aera asked, turning to look at Seulgi in the eye.

Aera was really tired of all this drama and getting pick on.

Her patience was running low.

"Bitch got guts." One of the girls snickered.

"Just because you're dating Jimin, you think it's okay to be so full of yourself?" Another asked, standing beside Seulgi.

Aera snickered, rolling her eyes.

"Dude! I just didn't want to waste my time on the lot of you... by the way... Who you?" She cocked her eyebrow and looking at one of the girls from top to bottom.

She seriously have no idea who that girl was.

Aera watched as the girls gasped in shock at her reply, glaring at her.

"Fuck you, whore!" Seulgi snapped as she lunge towards Aera to push her.

Too stunt to react, Aera stood rooted with her eyes wide.

Before she could retaliate, she heard some shouting from the distant.

"Ya! What the hell you doing?!"

"Don't you fucking dare touch her!"

"Oi! Don't touch Noona!"

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook came rushing towards her.

They pushed her to the back as they put themselves between Aera and the rest of the girls.

Aera could see the boys fuming. The aura that they were giving off were terrifying, the other girls noticed it too as they cower.

"씨발 이게 뭐야! [What the fuck is this]?! 죽을래 [You want to die]?!?" Jimin snapped, looking straight into Seulgi's eyes.

"You got it wrong-" Seulgi tried to reason as she shrank away from his stare.

"She started it first." Another one of the girl said.

"Like we would fucking believe you." Jungkook said as he stared down at the girls.

Jungkook was naturally shy, especially around girls but he wouldn't keep quiet if he sees someone bullied. Especially not those he care about.

"I'm older than you! Don't be rude." One of the girls snapped at Jungkook.

Jungkook let out a snort as he roll his eyes . "You don't deserve my respect." He said curtly.

Ignoring Jungkook, Seulgi calmly turned towards Jimin and Taehyung. Hoping that they'll see it her way.

"Look. It was a misunderstanding... Aera heard us wrongly and got angry. I was just... defending." She pout.

Annoyed that she was twisting her words, Aera pushed forward.

"You're such a liar, Seulgi." She growled.

"No. Really. Nobody was calling you a bitch, Aera. You got us wrong..." She said trying to sound innocent.

Aera's temper was rising. She knew very well they were referring to her.

She advanced towards Seulgi, hands fisted but only to have hands pulling her back.

"Don't waste your time on her, Aera. We saw everything." Taehyung said, hand on Aera's shoulder.

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