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Aera insert her hands in the pocket of her jacket. The leather jacket that Jimin bought for her.

She was dragging herself to her next class, she wasn't in the mood to do anything.

Once again she didn't see Jimin all day.

He kept telling her that he's busy but he won't tell her what it is that he is so busy doing.

There's so many unanswered questions going through her head and nobody would answer her. Even if they have the answer.

Which Aera is confident that they do.

It's frustrating!

And there's also the fact that she kept seeing Jimin with Seulgi.

Boy kept insisting there's nothing going on and to trust him but Aera was feeling very pessimistic.

She's starting to doubt him.

Too caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice the figure in the dance room who was observing her.

The figure grabbed her arm, pulling her into the room.

It happened so fast that she didn't have time to react.

The figure then pulled her back towards his front, circling his arm around her waist.

"I miss you so much, baby girl!" Jimin whispered, he took in her scent and relish in the fact that she's right there in his arms.

It has been hard being away from her. The clingy Jimin in him was protesting so badly but the persistent Jimin in him wanted it to be perfect.

Jimin has entered himself in the talent show which was coming in a week time.

And the performance was something he planned for the girl in his arm.

A surprise of some sort.

That's why he's been practicing hard, that's why he's been away and that's why he has been conversing with Seulgi. She was the student council for the event. He had to refer to her for the stage props and how he wanted it to be.

"Jimin." Aera smiled at the reflection of the boy. She melted. She couldn't help herself, even though she was annoyed with him... She just miss him so much.

Turning in his arms, she returned his hug. Clinging onto him.

"Where have you been? I miss you!" She whined.

Circling her arms around his neck, she leaned back to look at him. "And why are you so sweaty?" She frowned.

Jimin laughed, bending down he leave kisses all over her face making Aera giggle.

"Just trying out a new dance move." He smiled.

"Exam week is over, Park Jiminie. You don't have to overwork yourself, I don't want you to get sick." She reprimanded him.

Jimin smiled, nuzzling into her neck. Always so caring, this is why I just kept falling for you.

"Did my kitten miss me badly?" He whispered into her ear making her shiver.

Aera bit her lips.

"Kitten?" She asked, trying to keep her mind from going blank as he starts kissing her neck.

"You tend to act like one, Kang Aera." Jimin stopped kissing her neck and look down into her eyes.

"And you've not answered me. Did you miss me badly?" He repeated.

Aera blushed and nodded.

"Good. So do I." He whispered as he brushed his lips against hers. "Especially this."

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