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Jimin and Aera has been avoiding each other the next few days.

Aera was regretting acting and behaving in such manner.

She wanted to approach him and apologise but she was still angry. She has a big fat ego too, one that Soomi thinks is just plain stupid.

"So are you going to leave him hurting? It's obvious that the boy is crumbling, Aera! Gosh! His state is worst than when you left earlier for Seoul." Soomi snapped.

"I'm hurting too!" She defended.

"No. You're just being stupid and egoistic... and for what? The secret that he's not telling you? Cause you see him around Seulgi?" Soomi was getting annoyed, she didn't realise her friend was this selfish and foolish.

"We all know he doesn't see her in a romantic way and can't you just be patient? He begged for you to trust him, Aera. Jimin begged." Her voice getting higher.

"God! I want to slap you so hard. Are you blind or something?"

Aera kept mum. Her ego and her heart at war.

She miss Jimin so much.

As for Jimin, he wasn't actually avoiding her but when she look at him in that apathetic kind of way, he was reminded of the things she said and how she acted. Feeling hurt, he would just walk away.

Jimin was sure that he means something to her... right? Labels means nothing. Feelings does.

He won't give up on her... Just, maybe, some time to mend his broken heart. It won't take long cause he can't bare being apart from her.

"Jimin-ah, let's go." Seulgi pulled on his arm, her voice soft as she smiled up at him sweetly.

Jimin frowned.

"What are you doing, Seulgi?" He asked, mind jumbled as he pulled himself away from her.

"We have to go..." She tugged at his arm again in her stubbornness.

Annoyed, Jimin roughly pulled away. "Seulgi. Can you just stop it? Stop trying... I don't like you more than a friend, I won't and I can't. Don't you understand that? I like Aera."

He looked up, trying his best to collect himself. His heart and mind hurting.

 His heart and mind hurting

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I love Aera, Seulgi... only her." He was practically begging now, begging for the girl to understand.

And begging for Aera too, even though she wasn't there.

He was breaking.

Seulgi stood rooted, her eyebrows raised but then slowly she gave him a sad smile.

"I know." She said softly.

Hands by her side, she sighed. "I know that no matter what I do or how much I tried, you won't be mine. I realised that, Jimin. It hurts but I'm accepting it."

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