제 37 장 - Sunny

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Amidst the not so crowded walkway on a Saturday evening, their eyes met. At first, they briefly met like a passing breeze but then like magnet they came back to fall on each other.

Aera tilt her head and narrowed her eyes, brows knitting together as her eyes never waver from the guy at the end of the pathway.

He smiled sheepishly at her.


And beside him was the incognizant Sunny, hands entwined together. Unaware of the fact that a few feet away is one of the guys that they have been hiding their relationship from.

Aera glance up at Jimin, he too was oblivious of what lay a few feet ahead. Too busy trying to find the cafe that he's been obsessing over since Monday.

Jungkook froze, as the distance between them grew shorter.

His eyes desperate. Pressing both his hands together. Silently begging her to help them.

If Jimin were to find out about them then, they'll be dead.

Mouthing 도와주세요 [please help], he rub his hands together in distress.

Aera cocked her eyebrow at him, contemplating if she really should. She probably would be in trouble with her boyfriend once he found out she has been an accomplice.

Angry Park Jimin scares the shit out of her but damn, seeing him all fired up is titillating.

As if sensing something was wrong, Jimin bent down. Now eye level to her, he cup her cheeks with concern written all over his face.

"Baby, what's wrong?" His voice soothing, flirting with her senses. Just hearing him speak makes her melt like butter.

"I think I left my phone in the toilet." Aera pout, hands searching her pockets in panic. Brows knitting together.

She wouldn't know if her acting was believable but from Jimin's reaction she would definitely win an Oscar.

"Didn't you put it in the bag?" He asked calmly, his hands rubbing her back.

Aera felt like she'll go to hell for lying to him when he's so sweet, trying to calm her down.

"Let me check them for you." He said, taking her sling bag from her. Rummaging through the amount of trash she dump into it.

"You really need to throw the receipts away, Chubs." He shook his head.

Taking full advantage of the fact that he was busy helping her find her not-really-lost-phone, Aera look up to the duo at the end.

Wordlessly, she gestured for them to go with a nod of her head. She watch the duo scamper away, hands clutching each other as if their life depend on the other. Jungkook leading and pulling Sunny behind him.

The duo dissapeared in sight as soon as Jimin looked up, eyes crinkling at the side creating the cutest pair of slits she ever seen.

"찾았어 [Found it]!" He smiled, feeling proud of himself for saving his forgetful girlfriend from her own self inflict misery.

Aera grinned brightly up at him, circling her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. Brushing her nose against his, giggling as the boy pulled her by her waist. Her body flushed against his.

"What would I do without you?" She sighed looking into his eyes lovingly.

Jimin didn't answer, he smiled down at her with gratification. The sweet words coming from her soft lips appeasing to his ego.

His lips touched hers, gingerly brushing before claiming them fully right where they stand. Public display of affections be damned.

Jungkook ran, the cold wind caressing his skin and blowing his hair back while his hands wrapped around Sunny's in a firm grip.

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