제 33 장

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Hands in pocket with his black hoodie over his head, Jimin kicked at the ground. His thoughts back to the girl he left in Seoul.

Was it childish to just leave to mend his heart? Just for a bit.

That was what his brothers said.

"Seriously, you're really going to just up and leave? Over something so trivial?"

His broken heart wasn't a trivial matter.

"It's not as if I'm going for a month... Just a week or so." He had replied.

It has been three days but Aera hasn't called or texted him. The last was on the day of the performance.

Maybe the boys are doing a good job of accompanying her, making sure she's fine... like how he requested.

Maybe too good of a job that she's totally forgotten about him?

No that can't be true.

She would at least miss him. Right?

Isn't she curious how he's doing?

Stop over thinking, Jimin.

But I miss her.

He sighed.

Wishing she was there with him but he reminded himself that he's the one that decided to take some time alone.

Looking up from where he sat, he noticed a small figure walking around.

Clad in a black cap with the bill covering half the face, black hoodie, black leather jacket over it, black jeans and black boots.

He narrowed his eyes, the figure looks suspicious.

Suspiciously familiar.

He walk towards the figure who seems to be clueless of him as she kept looking at the phone in hand and then the addresses on the houses.

"I think what you're searching is at the other side." Jimin said with his arms crossed, looking down at the person.

The person stood rooted and slowly looked up at him with big round lost eyes and mouth slightly agape.

She gave out a sigh of relief after seeing his face.

"I got lost." She pouted.

"Why are you here, Chubs?" He asked, tilting his head.

Aera nibbled on her lower lips nervously. This wasn't the reunion that she had imagined in her mind.

"How did you know where I live?" He asked when she didn't answer his first question.

Aera smiled sheepishly.

Jimin sighed, shaking his head. The boys obviously crumbled beneath Aera's pressure.


"Let's go." He said, wrapping his hand around his wrist.

"Where are we going?" She asked meekly. Suddenly nervous of the cold Jimin in front of her.

"My home." He deadpanned.

Aera nodded, letting him drag her but then realises where he was taking her, she panicked.

"No no no no no! I don't want to go! I just want to talk!" She quickly pulled at her hand multiple times when he didn't stop.

He grunt, he narrowed his eyes at her. "I told you to be a good girl and wait for me in Seoul, but your stubborn ass decided to come all the way here and now you won't listen to me?"

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