제 07 장

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"아이씨 [Aish]! We got no time, we have to go NOW!" Jimin shouted pointing at his watch. "아이씨발 [Crap]! 빠리야 인마! [Faster punk]" He cursed at Taehyung.

They are late. Extremely late, they were supposed to meet Aera half an hour ago in the library but they're no where even near the building. They are in fact one hour away from school.

"B-but I want to change..." Taehyung whined.

"I told you we have no time for all that. LET'S Go! Aera is waiting since half hour ago." Jimin grabbed Taehyung's arm and dragged him towards the exit.

"Hey! What about your clothes?" Hoseok called out from his seat.

"Bring it over for us, Hyung. 고맙다 [thank you]." Jimin said not glancing at Hoseok as he drag Taehyung behind him.

"What's the rush?" Namjoon asked, he arrived to the scene of Jimin rushing and shouting at Taehyung.

"Aera is waiting," Taehyung grinned as he let Jimin drag him.

"Aera? Isn't that the girl..." Namjoon asked, his voice trailing off.

"Uhuh!" Hoseok nodded, his eyes met Namjoon's and both of them raised their eyebrows simultaneously.

"There's nothing going on. Stop making stupid scenarios in your head." Jimin snapped, his steps rushed.

He took out his phone. No messages.

Has she left? He pondered.

Park Jimin: Aera, we are on the way. We're really sorry we are late.

Kang Aera read

Jimin waited for her response. He got none. She's definitely mad.

"Hey! Thanks for helping my sister our with the shoot." Hoseok shouted. Jimin waved without looking back.

Hoseok's sister was majoring in fashion and needed someone to model some of her clothes and style. The boys volunteered.

Jimin's phone ding.

Kang Aera: 응 알았어 [OK I understand]

Jimin breathed a sigh of relief. She doesn't seem mad. The whole journey in the cab to the library he kept fiddling with his thumbs and nagging Taehyung for putting them in this situation.

"Stop worrying. Aera won't be mad, she's a nice person." Taehyung said at his side, adjusting the winter hat on his head.

"Shut up! It's all your fault. Why would you plan to meet her at 1pm when you know we end at 12pm?" he glared, pulling at the string attached to Taehyung's ear flaps.

Taehyung pout, "How would I have known that it would be dragged till 1.30pm?"

"아이씨 [Aish]! I feel so guilty for making her wait for so long." he leaned back into his seat staring at the cab's roof.

The minute the cab arrived their destination, the boys opened the doors and ran. They ran as fast as their legs could go, ran like the wind.

Shouting 죄송합니다 [sorry] and 비켜줘요 [please move], ignoring the stares and the mumbled curses from other students.

They entered the library. The already quiet atmosphere turned awkward as all eyes were on them.

Girls and boys huddled together, whispering and giggling.

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