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"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Jimin sighed. "Why would you do that?"

Taehyung shrugged. "I thought you like Aera now?"

Jimin wanted to strangle Taehyung, but he can't and he shouldn't. "I like her as a friend but that does not mean I want to spend every single hour awake for a whole week straight with her." He snapped.

The boy looked at him innocently. "But Aera is fun. Plus we can kill two chickens with a huge rock."

Jimin didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Kill two birds with one stone, Tae-ah

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"Kill two birds with one stone, Tae-ah." He corrected.

Taehyung tilt his head in confusion, brows furrowed.

"That don't make sense. How do you kill two birds with a stone? Rock is bigger than a stone, it will be easier to kill two birds with. Right? And why would you want to kill a bird? You kill chicken so you can eat them."

"I don't know." Jimin dismissed him. "That's not the point here."

Taehyung shook his head, snapping himself out of his thoughts.

"So, I was thinking that we can go to the outing with the boys and bring Aera along so we can finish up the project there. Afterwards we have two weeks free." Taehyung reasoned.

Jimin wanted to scream. All he wanted was a week with the boys and have fun, play a few games, eat and relax.

Away from projects.

Away from girls. Away from distractions.

Yes, Aera has been kind of a distraction to him lately, there's something about her that makes him drawn to.

But he still only sees her as a friend, it's just that he just can't stop noticing things about her.

The way she would smile shyly at him, how she would bit her lip when she's worried.

"What the fuck, Tae! We can literally just have fun then and finish the stupid project afterwards!" He snapped.

Taehyung looked at him confused, his eyes wide and his lips slightly open.

Jin came through the door, his eyebrows furrowed, hands on his hips. "What happened? What's with the commotion?".

He look from Jimin to Taehyung and back to Jimin again. "Taehyung fucking invited Aera for our trip."

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