제 01 장

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Kang Aera sighed, looking at the boy across the room.

How can someone be so cute yet so sexy? She thought.

Putting her head in the palm of her hand, she leaned on the desk. Smiling to herself.

She remembered the first time she saw him, months ago. She was walking to college when she couldn't help but notice the orange haired boy standing at the college entrance.

He was dressed in a black t-shirt, black cut out jeans and boots. His back leaning against the wall as he scroll through his phone.

As she neared the entrance, she slowed her steps. Just to get a better look and to feed her curiosity.

He looked up from his phone to glance around obviously looking around for whoever he was waiting for. Aera's eyes widened at how beautiful the boy is.

His orange hair fell across his forehead, his beautiful eyes the shape of almond, cute nose and those lips... Aera couldn't stop looking at his lips. Full plump kissable pink lips.

Handsome, extremely handsome. She noted.

He glanced at her direction for a second before resuming back to his phone.

Of course he didn't notice her. Aera is not someone who is noticeable.

Neither the pretty or cute girls that guys typically would get attracted nor those smart ones either.

She just exists.

She saw him again in the canteen while she was grabbing her lunch. He was sitting with his friends. All, she notice was extremely attractive.

Well, birds of a feather flock together. She said in her head.

One of his friends said something and suddenly stood up and started dancing making the rest burst out laughing.

Orange haired boy leaned back, one hand covering his mouth and his eyes disappeared into just pair of crescents. It was too cute. Her breath hitched.

"Okay class, remember to hand in your assignments next week

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"Okay class, remember to hand in your assignments next week. Class dismissed." The professor said as he walked out of the lecture room, snapping Aera back to reality.

"Hey, who you staring at?" a voice at her side asked. Aera ignored the voice and just shook her head.

"I wasn't looking at anyone, Seulgi. Was just spacing out." she said calmly.

"Oh! Come on, Aera. You can tell me. We are friends. So who were you looking at? Yunhyeong? Sungjae?" she starts throwing names.

"No" she simply said.

"Taehyung? Jimin?" She asked again after her slight pause.

When will she stop? Aera was getting irritated.

"Fine. I was looking at Jimin." Aera whispered so that the rest wouldn't hear.

"You like him?" Seulgi asked.

Aera shrugged at her friend's question. She don't really know how she really feel about him, she only know that she's drawn to him.

But could never approach him. She could only observe him.

Seulgi took a few steps backwards away from Aera making her puzzled at her friend's weird behavior. Tall, slim and pretty, Seulgi stood infront of her, face twisted into a mischievous grin.

"야! 얘들아 ~" [Hey! Guys~] her voice loud and clear travelling across the room. The room quietened down, all ears waiting for Seulgi to continue whatever she was about to say.

Jimin who was sitting a few seats away looked up from his conversation with his best friend, Taehyung to the voice calling for attention

"Kang Aera likes Park Jimin!" she turned and looked at him sweetly, tilting her head. "Isn't that cute. What do you think, Jimin?"

Jaw dropped, eyes wide. Aera couldn't believe what just happened. She felt her cheeks burning up. At that moment she wished the floor would open up and eat her whole or maybe just somebody to back her up.

But this is reality, and in real life nobody cares shit about her.

Grabbing her bag, she pushed past Seulgi "you're such an ass, Seulgi" Aera whispered and rushed out of the room but not before hearing Seulgi snickering.

Jimin turned to Taehyung, confused.

"Who?" he asked. Taehyung's response was "huh?".

Jimin expected Taehyung to know more about their classmates. Even though both of them are extroverts Taehyung seem to have it easier in making friends and he is friendlier. He makes friends with literally everyone, even the flies if he could.

"Who was that?" Jimin asked again, pointing at the door.

"Kang Aera, obviously" Taehyung said, eyes wide at Jimin's question.

"Who is Kang Aera again?"

"Aish! Jimin-ah" Taehyung frowned, "Kang Aera is the girl that just stormed out. The one that Seulgi just announced that likes you?" Taehyung stared at him like he's crazy.

He might be cause he never noticed her before. And how many months has it been since they started this class? "I never noticed her, didn't even know she existed until now." eyebrows furrowed, he said.

Taehyung shook his head. "진짜? 왜이래?" [Really? Why are you being like this?] he asked as he put his arm around Jimin's shoulder and walk out of the class leaving a very hyped out class full of whispering and giggling students.

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