제 17 장

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Aera and Sunny was by the pool, lazing around while the boys swim except for Yoongi and Namjoon.

Aera sighed, the boys were being rowdy, distracting her from her book.

Looking at the boys in the pool, she blushed. The boys were only in their swimming boxers and she have to admit that they are a sight for sore eyes.

Her eyes trailed to the boy with the faded pink hair.

She should stop staring but she couldn't. She took in the fact that he is actually really fit, the boy is literally pure lean muscles.

From his biceps to his abs to those thighs. She took it all in.

I'm really starting to feel like a pervert.

Her eyes train up to his lips, nose and eyes. Eyes that was looking at her.

Jimin smirked.

Aera quickly looked away.

"Unnie, is it true? I heard from Jungkook that you like Jimin Oppa." Shocked, Aera snap her head towards Sunny.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

Sunny shrugged. "I think you should try and pursue that shortie. You guys would look so cute together."

"I don't think he's that short, Sunny. Actually he's quite tall."

Sunny stared at Aera in disbelief and laughed like mad. "Unnie, you're only saying that cause you're short yourself. Okay, Oppa isn't short but he's not that tall either."

Aera reached over to smack Sunny playfully on her arm making Sunny chuckle.

"I'm serious though. You're different from his usual type, which is a good thing."

Aera know exactly the type of girls Park Jimin goes after. Tall but still shorter than him, cute and feminine mannerism, pretty, slim and absolutely not rough around the edges.

Something totally opposite of what Aera is.

"He won't look at me like that, Sunny." She smiled, her heart hurt from the realisation.

Love hurts. Aera frowned at her own thoughts.

Her heart drops, without her knowing she has fallen for Park Jimin.

"You'll never know. I prefer you than his types... like his latest ex, I can't even recall her name. That girl was fake as plastic! Acting all sweet and cute in front of him but behind she was vile."

Sunny shivered. "She's controlling and not good for his confidence. But once she met a new guy, she dropped Jimin Oppa like hot potato."

Aera shook her head, what kind of woman would drop him so easily? Jimin is so sweet, kind, caring, gentle, protective and supportive. Not to mention he's extremely cute, handsome and sexy.

Knowing how he is with his friends, he would probably treat his girlfriend even better.

She would be the apple of his eye.

He would even go to the end of the universe for her.

Aera felt jealous. Whoever that was going to be with him would be so lucky.

"Then how about you and Jungkook? Seems like there's something between the both of you." Aera teased.

Sunny tilt her head. "There might be." She blushed.

Out of no where, Jimin and Jungkook stood at their side.

Water dripping off them. The sun glistening off their skin, they smiled down at the girls.

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