제 05 장

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"Okay class before you head out for your summer break, I would like you to group up in threes. I expect a group presentation on the subject we've discussed when school reopens."

The class groaned.

"슬퍼하지 마세요 [Don't be sad]." Mr Lee chuckled at them.

"Have a nice break!" with that, he packed up his laptop and leave.

Jimin glanced at Taehyung, knowing full well that they will be doing this together.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows at Jimin, silently asking him who's the third member.

"We need someone serious." Jimin said.

Taehyung nodded. "That eliminates the rest of the boys in the class."

It's not that they weren't serious. It's just the fact that if they're together, they won't be.

Even putting Jimin and Taehyung together is bad enough but they're not willing to separate.

So they need someone to ground them. Or at least, try to ground them.

"No Seulgi." Taehyung warned.

Jimin glared at him dead in the eye. "Of course not! Didn't even cross my mind."

Their eyes travelled to Seulgi who was already looking at them. Nope! Not going to happen.

"Kang Aera. How bout her?" Jimin suggested.

Taehyung grinned widely, he wiggled his eyebrows at Jimin suggestively.

"야 인마 [Ya Punk], 네가 제안했어 [You suggested it]." He reminded Taehyung. "So I'm taking this opportunity to do it... befriending her."

Taehyung chuckled and nodded. "아 그랬구나 [Ah I see]."

Silently agreeing to having Aera as the third member, they proceed to speak to her.

Aera was standing with her friends. Probably discussing about grouping for the project.

Taehyung took one of the seat near her while Jimin sat on the table.

"안녕 애라 [Hello Aera]~" Taehyung greeted her cheerfully, Jimin just sat there solemnly.

Aera tilt her head at them in confusion.

"Hi," she responded awkwardly.

"Let's group up," Taehyung said as if it's a norm for them.

Aera's eyes widen. What?

She turned to look at Jimin. Maybe she heard him wrongly but the boy just hummed in agreement and nodded.

"I already have-"

"Aera!" One of her friends cut her off. "It's okay, go ahead... we'll just group up with Amy." She said referring one of the classmates.

"But-" she argued.

"아이고 [Aigo]! 괜찮아 [It's okay]!" Another one of her friend said and he winked at her.

안돼 안돼 안돼 [NO NO NO]! She screamed in her head.

Taehyung chuckled, "Well it's decided then"

What?! I didn't say I wanted to group with you guys. She declined in her mind.

Jimin got off the table and took out his phone, "give me your number," he said without looking up.


"Your number," still not looking at her.

She blinked in confusion. This whole situation is so sudden.

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