제 08 장

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Aera has been meeting up with the boys everyday for the past three days for the project. Well except for today.

Being around them was fun, they basically make her laugh everytime but being around Park Jimin was taking a toll on her.

Her heart can't help beating like crazy or take the amount of melting it does whenever he does anything. Literally anything.

Out of sight out of mind. That's what they say but her thought kept trailing back to Park Jimin.

The first day they met for the project, they got along well. The boys made her laugh and feel comfortable... And they wouldn't stop saying they're sorry for being late.

And of course they also got a bit cocky cause everyone was drooling over them.

Second day, Jimin treated her to a cup of coffee cause he said he was feeling guilty for the previous day.

"It's the least I can do, Aera." he persuaded.

"No. It's okay, you don't have to- " She declined.

"But I want to." He insisted, cutting her off.

No matter how she rejected, Jimin was very persistent. They ended up going to a cafe after their project which Jimin proclaimed to have the best coffee he have ever tasted.

One caramel macchiato for her, one rosy latte for himself and one coke for Taehyung.

He wasn't lying when he said the coffee was good.

One sip of her drink, Aera's eyes lit up, sighed and did a little jig without her realising.

Jimin couldn't help the slight tug at the corners of his lips.

"You weren't lying. This is good!" she beamed up at Jimin.

He grinned. "I told you so. You should try mine." he offered. She was hesitant at first but he insisted, grinning so cutely at her.

Her eyes widen at the taste. It was sweet but not too sweet, the combination of the rose and coffee blends together perfectly. "This is just heaven," she sigh in delight.

Jimin cocked his eyebrows in amusement, loving Aera's reactions.

"I should try this next time and some others. They have a cool range of variations." she nodded, not really willing to give back Jimin his drink.

It was that good.

"We could exchange if you want? I don't mind." He teased.

She immediately gave him back his drink while repeatedly shaking her head. "No no no. I'll stick to my drink."

Jimin and Taehyung giggled at her.

"Oh! I forgot, would you want a taste?" She offered. Jimin declined with a smile but Taehyung looked at her drink with interest.

She was about to pass Taehyung her drink when Jimin interrupted. "Taehyungie don't drink coffee. He doesn't like the bitter taste."

Hand stopped midway, Aera looked at Taehyung. "Oh! It's not that bitter actually..."

She coaxed.

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