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They didn't ride anymore horror rides but instead they went into the mirror room where Jimin left Aera alone for awhile just to get back at her for all those horror rides.

Aera was lost, everywhere she turn all she could see was herself.

"Jimin?" She called out.

But there was no answer. She walked blindly forward, hands outstretched. Just in case she accidentally walked into a mirror.

Funny how you can see everything but at the same time you are blind.

Well that's what she felt.

Suddenly she saw Jimin standing right behind her, their eyes lock in the reflection of the mirror and he slowly grin.

Suddenly she saw Jimin standing right behind her, their eyes lock in the reflection of the mirror and he slowly grin

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Relieved, she sighed. Aera leaned against Jimin, letting him circle his arms slowly around her waist.

"I'm here." He whispered against her ear.

Eyes still locked, she smiled.

Aera turned in his arms to face him. "다행이다 [Thank Goodness]." She smiled.

Jimin's eyes trailed to her lips. He doesn't know what is wrong with him today but all he kept thinking of was kissing Kang Aera silly.

He gave her a peck on the lips. Once. Twice. Gaining her soft laughter.

Looking back into her eyes, he leaned in again and kissed her. It started off briefly and sweet but the kiss deepened.

Nibbling on her lower lip, Jimin pulled Aera closer making her sigh against his lips.

Their breath mingled and Jimin slowly pulled away. His forehead touching hers, eyes lingered at her swollen lips.

"We can't do this here." He said mostly to himself.

Aera could feel her cheeks burning, smacking his chest softly. "I wasn't the one who started it."

"No, you didn't. But you responded." He grinned before giving her another peck.

They went out of the mirrored room hand in hand, both noticing how the staffs were silently giving them the side glances and cheeky smiles.

They have security cameras in the room, they saw everything.

Aera quickly averted her eyes.

Feeling so embarrased.

Jimin wanted their date to be romantic so he insisted on taking the balloon ride and the carousel.

"The view is going to be awesome, you're going to love it and come on Aera... riding the carousel is just a must." He coaxed.

Just as Jimin said, the view was awesome. Aera stood in the makeshift hot air balloon without the hot air, watching the view from above as the balloon made it's way around the indoor park.

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