제 34 장

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Please note that this chapter contains smut

Aera watched as he took off his layers once they walked into the room.

Jimin grinned, noticing Aera staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" He cocked his eyebrow at her.

"Nothing." Aera answered curtly.

"Don't be shy... just admit that you like what you see." Jimin teased as he stood in front of her clad only in his pants.

"And would like to continue where we left off." He wriggled his eyebrows.

Aera gasped and quickly went into the bathroom. Hearing Jimin laughing evilly behind the door.

To tell the truth, she actually wanted him to continue.

But like hell she's going to tell him.

"Jimin-ah! Can you close the lights?" She shouted from the bathroom. She has nothing to wear and the layers that she have on are too hot.

So she ended up just in her undies.

Aera peeped from behind the door to see Jimin clad only in his boxes while surfing the channels.

Obviously not hearing her.

Silently she switched off the lights and swiftly getting in the bed beneath the blankets. Neck deep.

The TV light illuminates Jimin's face, highlighting and accentuating his features. Making him look like a fairy.

Sensing her staring at him again, Jimin turned to look at Aera and came closer.

Sensing her staring at him again, Jimin turned to look at Aera and came closer

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He leaned nearer towards her.

He leaned nearer towards her

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"You're staring again. You might get in trouble, Kang Aera." He teased as he leaned nearer. His lips just a breath away from hers.

Eyes hooded, Aera's gaze trailed to his lips and slowly she brushed his with hers.

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