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Looking over the message she got from her friends, Aera smiled. She was about to put her phone in the back pocket of her jeans when someone pushed her against the wall.

Getting the wind knocked out of her, her phone dropped on the floor .

Her shoulders pinned to the wall.

"Are you dating Jimin?" The person sneered.

Aera coughed and tried to push the person away but the attacker was stronger.

Who would have thought Seulgi would be this strong? Fatter does not mean stronger, Aera.

She thought to herself.

"If you wanted someone to answer your questions, I suggest you ask nicely."

Seulgi's temper was rising and Aera was not helping. The girl was taunting her.

Seulgi couldn't believe her ears when she heard that Jimin was dating Aera. At first she thought it was a joke, who would believe Jimin would date Aera?

He himself admitted that she wasn't his type.

Aera was a nobody and Jimin was known, everybody knows Jimin. Clever, hardworking, athletic, talented and not to mention handsome.

Being one of the most prettiest girl in their course just made Seulgi one of the most known girl too. Plus she's clever and like Jimin, she's athletic and talented.

So wouldn't it be natural that Jimin should date her instead of that short, chubby, talentless nobody.

But then Seulgi saw Jimin, Aera and their friends eating in the cafeteria together.

It wasn't odd to see them together since their group project, they have been spending time together.

Seulgi was sure there was nothing more going on between them, even though there was an awkward tension between the two of them that she noticed at the cafe the other time.

Rather than seeing them casually talking like they used to, Seulgi saw how Jimin would bend down to whisper into Aera's ear and how Aera would turn red and narrowed her eyes at him, making Jimin chuckle and scrunch his nose at her.

Aera flushed cheeks turned redder as she playfully smack at him and turned away.

Their friends who saw everything started teasing them.

"Ya! Ya! What is this going on?" Namjoon teased.

"Hey! No flirting with my Aera!" Taehyung said, pulling Aera playfully nearer to him.

It was then, Seulgi knows that it wasn't just a rumour.

Her face twisted in disgust as she glared at Aera.

"Don't play with me, Aera. Are you or are you not dating Park Jimin?"

"I wouldn't want to play with you even if I could. If I am or am not dating him, what is it to you?" Aera taunted. Shoving at Seulgi's chest.

Hands clenched, she once again pinned Aera against the wall. Her fingers digging into Aera's shoulder.

Aera winced.

"I told you to stay away from him." She growled.

"You don't own him, Seulgi. And for your information, I wasn't the one who did the chasing."

Seulgi narrowed her eyes at the shorter girl.

"What do you have that I don't? You have nothing... just look at you and look at me," Seulgi leered in disgust at Aera.

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