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1 week later.

"I don't know

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"I don't know.. I don't know.. this is all happening so fast." Dana sighed into her hands and bounced her leg up and down. Dana was in total shock of what happened. It was only a week ago when she saw Rose. Literally a week ago. She couldn't believe she was dead. Dana remembered calling her house phone but she never picked up. She thought she was at the Waffle House or she was just minding her business and wasn't by a phone but Dana never thought about Rose winding up dead.

"Your footprints are in her house Dana. Your fingerprints are on her body. Why did you murder Rose Lane?" The Detective Lauren asked Dana.

"I did not murder Rose detective!" Dana semi yelled, tears forming in her eyes. She was so overwhelmed and here the detectives were trying to pin the murder on her.

"Tell me the story again." Detective Karlie said studying her face.

"I went over there that day.. she wanted to make it official and-"

"Make what official?" Detective Lauren asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Our relationship, she wanted me to be her girl. I had no reason to murder her. Everything was fine.. we were good. The only reason  why my prints are on her body was because we had sex."

"Mhm." The two detectives looked at one another and they both wrote something in their notepad. "What time did you leave her house?"

"Around... I don't know... 3 or 4."

"A neighbor called and said they heard the shots around 4:30." Karlie added and nodded her head. "We have a video of  you leaving before that time."

"Ok so if you know I didn't kill her, why am I here? Why do you keep saying I murdered her?"

"Only because your prints were on her body and your footprints were on her floor. We need you to take a lie detectors test."

"What? No! I have nothing to lie about detectives." Dana blew out a breath and shook her head. "This shit is crazy."

"It'll only help us on this case Dana. You do want to find Rose's killer right?"

"I'm not taking that shit." Dana stood up frustrated. "I ain't kill Rose. Let me out this bitch." Dana couldn't take it being in the crammed hot room with two bitter bitches. She knew she didn't kill Rose. But whoever did was going to get theirs. Dana was going to make sure of it.

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