
387 47 44

August 20, 2000

"Lesane! Lesane!" Tupac's mother Afeni shook his leg trying to wake him up out of his slumber.

"Damn Ma I told you to call me Tupac." He said groggily as he turned on his side so his back was facing his mother.

"Boy! Ima call you what I named you when you was born." Afeni snatched the sheet he was covering himself with off of him and he groaned in response. "And watch how you talk to me. I'm not one of your little friends." She began to look around his messy room. There were empty pizza boxes and Harold's Chicken containers on his nightstand, playboy magazines, and his clothes were thrown all over the place as if a tornado had came through.

"You need to clean up this damn room Lesane. You're 24 years old. There's no need for your room to look like this." She began picking up his clothes and folding them up. "Have you been to work yet?"

Pac ran his hand along his face and yawned as he sat up against the headboard. "Naw. Not yet." Afeni stopped what she was doing and gave her son a death glare.

"What you mean 'naw not yet'. How do you think you're gonna stay here if you not working?" She placed her hand on her hip and waited for him to answer. He scratched his bald head and shrugged. "Ion' know Mama." He sighed heavily. "Ever since... ever since Khalil died I just haven't been in the mood to do anything."

Afeni sighed and sat on the edge of his bed and brushed his cheek lightly. "I know how it feels baby. You, him, and Omar had been friends for many years. Y'all was like brothers. Whoever shot and killed him, devil has a special place in his dungeon for him. Poor baby."

Pac wiped his fake tears but in his head he was rolling his eyes. He didn't give one fuck about Khalil. He fucked his girlfriend, he betrayed him before anyone else could. If anything he deserved to die.

"Well.. I've been wanting to ask you for a while now, and I don't mean to be all up in your business but I would like to know what happened between you and Ryan." Pac cringed at the thought of that bitches name. He hated her with a passion. The love he once felt for her was gone. He didn't care who the person was, if somebody ever crossed him he never forgave them.

"We just broke up, that's it. We not getting back together either so don't ask." He spat harshly.

"Well excuse me Mr." She rose herself off of his bed and headed towards the door. "I seen her at the grocery store a few days ago. She looked like she done gained some weight. Pregnant even."  Pac kissed his teeth.

"It ain't my baby that's for sure. I haven't done nothing with her in months." Afeni nodded her head as if she didn't believe him. "So who is she doing stuff with?"

"I don't know, you know she's always been a hoe. I would always try to change her but you know you can't turn a hoe into a housewife."

"I see." Was all Afeni said before she turned on her heels and walked out the door. Pac glanced at his alarm clock for the time and threw himself off his bed. He had to go speak  with G. And it was important.


"So, what are you doing for your birthday next month?" Missy asked Dana as she tweaked with the controls on the mixing console.

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