32 Pt. 2

398 45 55

September 18, 2000
Miami, Florida.


"Who's all coming to this party again?" Sunshine asked Dana as she checked off the names of celebrities and regular people one more time. She had to make sure she had everybody on the list so she could start getting things together for her birthday party which was in 3 days. Dana wanted a 70s themed birthday celebration to honor 21 days of being alive on her 21st birthday, her golden birthday.

She was anxious and exited for the day to come. She wanted somebody to surprise her but nobody was exactly feeling her at the moment. Melissa hadn't talked to her after their little altercation, she still wasn't talking to G and Ryan and her and Isaiah were kind of growing apart. They were both always busy and hardly spent time with one another but she promised him that once she got her sophomore album out they were going to go on a little trip, just the two of them.

"I want Kimberly and Ryan to come. You can send them plane tickets and call them. I want Melissa, Elgin, and Tim to come also. Malcom and the guys, Robert and his people, and some more A List celebs." She said to her as she was getting her hair flat ironed for the 13th time today.

"Robert? As in-"

"Yes. That Robert. He's still my friend. Also I want to invite some of my fans and family. Not all they asses cause they be trippin but just some of my cousins and stuff."

"Ok..." Sunshine wrote down some more stuff in her pad. "You don't want your immediate family to come?"

"David is definitely coming. He's gonna be here later on today."

"That's not what I meant."

She turned around in her seat to face Sunshine. "Are you thinking about inviting my mother?" Her eyebrows raised.

"I mean.. yeah." She shrugged. "That should've been the first person on your list."

"Fuck that cheating ass bitch. She ain't coming to my shit. None of they asses. Only invite my father."

Sunshine's eyes widened at Dana's words and what she said about her mother. She couldn't even fathom her saying something like that. "Did you just say fu-"

"Yeah bitch I did. You hard of hearing or something." She snapped her neck around to glare at her. "Don't invite that bitch. Period. And if I catch her skinny ass at my party I'm shutting shit down."

"O..ok." Sunshine said hesitantly and erased her name off of the pad. Why was she so hostile towards her mother? Did she do something to her in the past? Was she not a good mother?


Meanwhile back in Chicago, Earl knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer. He had been laying low for a while until it was the perfect time to take off with his plan. It wasn't the right time just yet, but, almost.

The girl with black hair opened the door and looked him up and down. "Who are you?" She asked him. Earl smiled and introduced himself to her. "I'm Earl. You must be Ashanti?" He wondered.

"Who wants to know?"

"You are Dana's sister right?"

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