17 (Filler).

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Short chapter.

Dana slowly approached the dock and wrapped her arms around herself

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Dana slowly approached the dock and wrapped her arms around herself. Even though it was May, in Chicago it never got really warm until late June. She searched the beach looking for Earl but the beach was completely empty and desert. Literally she was the only person out there. Dana had threw on a baby blue Juicy Couture sweatsuit and white Fila shoes. She checked her cellar device and the time read 9:10. She shook her head and turned around but almost had an heart attack when she came face to face with Earl.

"What the fuck." Dana put her hand over her heart as she tried to control her breath. This dude was creepy as hell.

"Hey baby. Long time no see." He grinned. His grill literally blinding her throughout the darkness. He swiftly put his arm around her and pulled her into a hug that she didn't ask for. He smelled of old cologne and too many blunts.

"What do you want ?" She asked breaking the hug.

"I missed you. You dipped out on a nigga." He brushed his hand across her face but she stepped back.

"I've just been busy." She replied.

"Busy.. you've been busy for 3 months. I've been calling you, coming by the campus and I haven't seen you.. why you tryna avoid a nigga?"

"How do you know where I live?" Why were you in my house?" She asked.

"I've been to your house plenty of times. I just haven't been inside" He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal but really it was a huge deal.

"How did you get inside. Why are you taking pictures of me while I'm sleep. Why are you such a creep?"

"A creep?" He laughed but the laugh wasn't regular. It was like an evil cackle. "You think being in love with you is being a creep? You think telling you about my family is being a creep? You think bringing you around my kids is-"

"Woah." Dana interrupted him. "I never told you to bring me around your kids, and I definitely didn't want to go to your house."

"Excuse me?" Earl looked taken back.

"You heard me. And how are you in love with me? You barely even know me. "

"I know.. I know we are meant to be."

"Meant to be?" She shot back. "You're crazy and fucking delusional. I'm done." Dana stepped aside to walk away but was snatched right back.

"What th-" Dana began to say but was hit in the eye by his fist. Dana stumbled backwards until she plopped on the wooden dock. She covered her eye with her hand and looked up at Earl who was glaring down at her.

"Listen here little bitch." He crouched down to her level so they were eye to eye. "I will make you love me. You will fall in love with me and you will be the mother to my children."

"Fuck you!" She spat blood trickling down her face and kicked him where it hurts the most. Earl screamed out in pain as Dana got up and stood over him as he held his balls in pain. She scrambled away and ran as fast as she could away from the beach. She was out of breath and started to slow down but bumped into someone causing her to fall on her ass once again.

"Fuck, watch where you're going." She hopped up not looking at the persons face and tried to go around them.

"Dana? Is that you?" Dana looked up into the face who belonged to Dame. What was he doing here?

"Yeah.. look sorry I gotta go." She looked behind her to see if he was coming and began to run off but he followed her.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He asked as he tried to catch up with her.

She didn't reply as she turned a corner and dashed down the street.

"Fuck.." Dame huffed. "Wait, please."

"I can't wait! He's gonna try and kill me! And you! Come on!" She yelled and finally made it to her car fumbling with her keys as she tried to put the key in.

"Who are you running from? Who's going to kill you?" He asked, clearly out of breath.

"Please. Just get it!" She opened the door and jumped in the drivers seat. Dame opened the passengers side and Dana sped off. As Dana flew down the e-way Dame occasionally glanced at her as the dried up blood stained her mouth and chin. Who could have done this to such an innocent woman?

"So." He cleared his throat.

"No. I don't wanna talk about it."

"But you have to tell-"

"No!" Dana slammed her fist on the steering wheel. "I can't.. I.. " She began to choke up and her throat started to burn.

"Pull over Dana." He spoke softly. Once pulled over, Dana broke down into a sob. Dame grabbed her and hugged her tightly as she trembled in his arms.

"Shhh. You're safe with me. Everything is going to be alright. I won't let anyone hurt you." He rubbed her back gently as she whispered softly in her ear reassuring her that everything was going to be ok.

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