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August 16, 2000
5 days later

"Dana! Dana baby open the door! Please!" Malcom banged on my front door loudly as I laid on the couch practically drowning in my own tears. He had been standing out there for at least a hour now, maybe even longer than that, knocking on my door. It had only been 5 days since I took his virginity and I've been avoiding him. Clearly. I don't even attempt to answer any of his calls or go to the studio because I know that he will be there. My single, I Miss You, dropped 2 days ago and was now number 3 on the top charts for R&B but I didn't feel happy. I was still mourning the death of my bestfriend. A piece of my heart was still missing and I still felt empty inside. It hasn't even been a full week yet but I swear it feels longer. The knocking had finally came to a halt, but then I heard the knob being rattled with and keys. The door pushed open and I covered my head with my blanket so nobody could see my face.

"Dana! Get the fuck up!" My new personal assistant and publicist Sunshine hollered walking through my house. Why did I even bother giving her keys? "Yo ass been cooped up in this house for almost a week. You haven't returned any calls, you've missed photo shoots and television appearances along with interviews. Get up! Get the hell up!" She stopped in front of the couch I was laying on and snatched the cover off of me.

"Bitch you smell like a fucking zoo. " She covered her nose with her hand and stepped back a little. "Malcom was waiting outside for you but I told him to come back later. We have things to do today."

I groaned and shook my head. "I can't." I hiccuped. "I just can't. "

"Bitch you can and you will. I already booked us a flight for NewYork later on today. MTV Total Request Live wants you to do the top 20 countdown, talk about your new single, and any other upcoming projects you have coming out."

"Sunshine please." I begged my voice cracking. "Please just let me be. I don't have any energy to do anything. I'm seriously in a terrible place right now. Can't you see that? Cancel everything you got going on for another time. " I tried to reason.

"Girl. What the fuck do I look like? I'm not canceling shit ok? This is your life! You chose to want to become a superstar and people want to see you. You're living in filth and you smell like a bloody tampon. Our flight leaves at 9 sharp so you have 3 hours to get your shit together and I'm not going to say it again." She threw the cover back on me and walked out of my house.

I sighed heavily and pushed myself to get up and go get dressed.


Earl looked up at Dana's three story home in awe. Babygirl was living nice. Almost too nice. He almost wanted to take all this shit away from from her, but not yet of course. Not now. He wondered why he lived in this but house by herself. At anytime anybody, like him, could just walk up in here. She ain't have no security or anything and why the hell weren't her doors locked? Stepping into her foyer she looked around the spacious house. There were still boxes and things scattered around so he figured she must've moved in recently. The crib was nice though. He couldn't lie, his shorty had amazing taste.

Curling his lips up to the side he walked over to the couch where she was once sleeping and looked around in that area. There were snot stains all over her couch and the aroma smelled of garbage. Scrunching up his nose he continued to walk around her house not knowing exactly what he was looking for. The house was damn near empty. Getting bored with the downstairs area he finally began to make his way up her spiral stairs.

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