Chapter One:Classy

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I stared at the clock. I almost seemed desperate for the small hand to quickly move.

Come on, hurry up!

I tapped my heels against the marble floor of the classroom as my physics teacher was talking about Electricity and Magnetism, I was half listening, half blanked out.

I swear if this clock doesn't move, I am going to kill myself...well not literally, more like metaphorically.

I sighed in relief once the bell rung, indicating school was over, which meant the weekend, which meant partying throughout it.

I smiled as I stood up, making sure my designer skirt didn't rise up too much so I wouldn't give the boys a view they weren't supposed to see.

I put my physics notes and pen inside my school bag and stepped out of the classroom hurriedly.

My designer heels clicked as it made contact with the school's shiny hallway floor.

"Avalon, are you still throwing that party tonight?" I turned to see my best friend Amber, giving me a curious face.

I smiled as we made our way to my locker. "Duh Amber, my parents are going to be out of town to visit some friends in Florida. Plus, my Dad has to go to California for a business meeting and Mom's tagging along with him," I said excitedly.

Despite my parents being incredibly busy, they somehow still have time for me and my siblings.They weren't those type of parents that barely stayed home with their children, my parents made sure to spend as much time with us as possible.

"Hottie at one o'clock," Amber said biting her lips.

I rolled my eyes and saw my twin brother Aiden coming over to me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hello baby sis," he said and I immediately frowned.

"Again for the thousandth time, you're only one minute older than me, so shut up," I mumbled.

His smirk only grew, "still older," he pointed out and I scoffed as I put some notes in my bag since I had homework for the weekend.

"Hey Aiden," Amber said, adding a drawl to her words flirtatiously and I rolled my eyes again.

Amber and Aiden hooked up during freshman year, which meant I was the third wheel during that time despite being popular. I only hung out with Amber because I couldn't tolerate fake bitches being my friend to keep their reputation of being popular in this school.

Amber wasn't fake at all, we've been best friends since the fifth grade and her family was very powerful as well, not as powerful as mine, but powerful still.

He winked at her. Although they had stopped hooking up, I knew there was still a sexual tension between them, which still made me want to throw up from time to time.

"Okay, can you guys stop having eye sex, it's quite disgusting," I scowled, closing my locker.

"Anyway baby sis," he said and I glared at him, "the guys are coming over to hang out which means I'm taking the house," he said.

I clenched my fist. Sometimes I really wanted to break his face, but then Mom and Dad would probably ground me.

"No, you had it last time when Mom and Dad went away, besides I'm throwing a party tonight as soon as they leave, you can just invite your annoying smelly friends to come if that's all it takes for you to let me have the house," I said. He glared at me for insulting his annoying football friends.

Sure, I had dated like one of them, which I shouldn't have, considering he only wanted to have sex with me and I was so not ready to give a guy my virginity. Anyway, when Aiden found out, he almost killed the guy, since Aiden was the school's quarterback he got the guy kicked off of the team.

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