Chapter Thirty Two:Ostentatious

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I stared blankly at my computer. You know the worst thing about school for me is? Writing papers, now I know it's supposed to train you for college or whatever, but since my English teacher asked for an eight-page essay on how Othello, Hamlet, and Macbeth correlate to one another, I think I might just pass out.

"Here." Theo said handing me a cup of coffee as I tiredly stared at my computer in his dining room table chair in his dorm.

"Thanks, have you done this paper yet?" I asked turning to him as he sat down next to me.

"No, my teacher is asking for a ten-page essay on how the French-American war has contributed towards the American society today, and what was the aftermath of the war, as well as British contribution to the war," he stated and I blinked.

"Wow, you definitely have it worse than me. Have you even started?" I asked, watching him as he sipped his coffee.

"I already finished," he stated and I scoffed.

"Well, could you at least give me an idea on this paper, I know your English class read all the books as well," I begged.

He sighed, "okay, talk about how all three of their lovers died, that's one thing they have in common. How all three men were drove to sinful temptations and how all three men died in tragedy at the end. Also talk about how they were high ranks in their story, none of them were from a poor upbringing," he said standing up from the dinning table chair and making his way to his kitchen.

How do I tempt this boy to write my paper for me because I honestly might get an F.

"And no, I will not write your paper for you." he stated as if reading my mind and I sighed, "but I'm willing to guide you with your paper," he continued and I smiled as he made his way back to me with a fresh pot of coffee in his cup.

"See, this is why you are the best boyfriend ever." I chuckled beginning to type the title on my computer on Word document. I began to type furiously on the laptop, everything Theo said being wrote hurriedly on the computer.

Three hours later I was still typing on the computer, "you know, we should do something today." Theo said appearing in front of me as I still typed on the computer.

"Can't...have to finish...paper" I said, my eyes glued to the computer. I didn't even realize Theo had now removed the computer from me as my finger continued to type into the air. I blinked before coming back to reality.

"As I said, we should do something today," he chuckled and I sighed standing up from the chair, my butt feeling numb.

"Ugh. I can't feel my butt," I whined, trying to stretch my legs a little.

"Want me to help message them?" He smirked and I scoffed.

"I think I'm good Woods." I said before quickly pecking his lips and heading to his front door to head to my dorm to change.

" I said before quickly pecking his lips and heading to his front door to head to my dorm to change

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