Chapter Nineteen:Sassy

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"Bloody blinder!" Leo shouted as he angrily placed his controller on the floor and stood up.

I smirked in satisfaction and stood up as well, flipping my hair in the process.

"Where did you learn how to excel in all these games?" Ivan had asked.

It was Monday after school. Jacelyn and I decided to stop by at the lounge... Well, me because I wanted to spend time with Leo, and her for wanting to spend time with the skittles vending machine.

Anyways, I saw how Ivan once again, was getting his butt kicked at the shooting games he was playing against Leo and I offered to help him. Ivan was sceptical at first but agreed afterwards.

"My mom is the queen when it comes to all of these games, she taught me everything that I needed to know," I stated, heading towards the nacho machine.

"Interesting," Ivan said, sitting down next to Evelyn and kissing her cheek as she cuddled up with him.

I put the nachos in a plate and began to snack on it.

Whoever made nachos deserves an Oscar or a noble prize because nachos is life.

I went to the soda machine, grabbed a cup, and put sprite in it before getting a straw and sipping my drink.

I sat lazily on one of the lounge chairs, eating my nachos.

"We should all do something today," Evelyn said as she checked her nails to make sure none of them chipped off.

Jacelyn raised her eyebrow. "Like what exactly? It's a school day," she said.

"I say we go to the shopping centre," Ethan suggested, quickly glancing at Jacelyn who sat lazily on the couch near me shoving skittles into her mouth.

"I don't see why not, the new game console has just been released in stores and I've been dying to stop by and buy it," Leo said.

I smirked. "It wouldn't matter anyway, I would still beat your ass," I said.

"Burn!" Ivan said, laughing hysterically, Evelyn smiled at him and patted his cheek.

"Yet I can still kick your arse in every game known to man," Leo stated, now the one laughing.

Ivan immediately stopped laughing and glared at Leo. "Fuck you," he said.

"Where's Theo?" Jacelyn asked.

Leo looked at his watch, "He should be here soon, he had another meeting to attend to," he said.

I scoffed. "I think it's kind of hard balancing school and work at the same time, don't you guys think?" I had asked, I mean seriously, as a good person I believe he should not stress himself.

Ethan shrugged. "A man gotta do what a man gotta do," he said. I raised an eyebrow.

I don't know why that whole sentence just sounded so wrong coming out from his mouth.

Just then, a tired Theo entered the lounge and as his routine, threw his briefcase on the floor and sat tiredly on one of the couches.

"Mate, how was the meeting?" Leo asked.

Theo rubbed his forehead. "Boring, very, very, boring," he replied.

I could see his jaw was getting better, and so was my nose. When the group saw us the other day, everyone questioned what had happened to us. We told them, and as a result, the rest of the guys wanted to go to Samuel's dorm and beat the shit out of him. I was grateful they were willing to do that for me, but I told them there was no point because Theo already handled him.

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