Chapter Sixteen:Polite

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Me and Jacelyn sat in boredom in the detention room. It was Saturday afternoon and we had to serve our detention for accidentally getting blue dye all over Principal Mason, which was for Theo and not for the principal. I do owe it to Theo for not making me get expelled at least. My parents would have officially killed me, especially my Dad.

I turned to Jacelyn and raised my eyebrow as she tried to balance her pencil on her nose, her tongue slightly stuck out due to concentration.

"Really?" Was all I could say tiredly while staring at her, she didn't say anything as she continued to do her activity.

I sighed staring at the clock, one more hour to go, then I can enjoy the rest of my Saturday in peace.

I looked forward to the teacher who was reading a magazine. His face held make-up, it looked better than most girls here. I knew that he had a male partner, which made me happy that the LGBTQ community are accepted here fully, from what I know. No one was throwing abuse at him, so I guessed it was accepted.

"I'm hungry," Jacelyn whined.

I rolled my eyes. I had told her to get breakfast before coming here, but she said she would get it after detention, it was obvious now that she regrets her decision of not eating.

I rubbed my eyes, they were burning from the lack of sleep yesterday due to Jacelyn asking me questions upon questions of my date with Leonardo, which caused us to stay up until one o'clock in the morning.

A tall guy with tattoos stood up from his seat. He had piercings on his lip and eyebrow and he was only wearing black.

Now that is what I call the perfect stereotype of a bad boy.

He was about to walk out the door when the teacher spoke, "Samuel, get back in here, you still have one more hour to go, so sit down this instant!" the teacher snapped.

The guy - Samuel - rolled his eyes, "shut up, gay freak," he said and the teacher looked shocked at Samuel's choice of insult.

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted.

Jacelyn turned her gaze towards me, "Avalon, heavens, what are you doing?" Jacelyn whispered harshly in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, "look Samson, or whatever your name is, the teacher was just doing his job, but insulting him because of the way he expresses himself is just wrong and disgusting!" I snapped.

The whole classroom fell into silence, even the delinquents in the back chose not to speak at this time.

Samuel lips formed into a straight line and he stared at me, "oh, what do we have here, a stuck up American bimbo," he snorted at the end.

I scoffed, "oh what do we have here, a stupid bitch that looks like the devil literally spewed on you. News flash honey, your ugly face piercings were so last season," I stated.

"You little--," before he could continue, the teacher stood in front of Samuel, he was obviously bigger than Samuel and could easily beat him up - not that he would.

"Walk towards that girl and I'll make sure you get expelled Samuel," the teacher threatened.

Samuel's eyes shifted from the teacher to me then back to the teacher.

"whatever," he muttered before exiting the classroom and closing the door behind him harshly.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down in my seat.

"Thank you," the teacher said smiling at me.

I returned the smile, saluting playfully at him, "no problemo," I said.

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