Chapter Seven:High-Class

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"Wait, haven't I already passed this vending machine already?" I groaned.

It was currently the first day of school for me and being the idiot I am, I told Jacelyn not to worry about showing me to my class because I didn't want her to be late for her own.

"Yup, this is definitely the third time I've passed this," I said to myself, sighing and resting my head on the vending machine, my schedule tightly clenched in my left hand and my school bag hung lazily over my shoulder. I watched as students passed by.

Oh yes, I don't need any help, please continue walking, just a random new girl here, totally not lost.

I rolled my eyes. I decided to stand on the side of the hallway like an idiot, which wasn't really a good idea, so I removed my body from the vending machine and glanced at my schedule once again.

Room 324, Sociology.

But where the fuck was that? I huffed in frustration and continued walking the endless halls of the sea of students, obviously still having no idea of my newness.

I sighed, maybe I should just text Jacelyn and ask her exactly where this class is located.

I removed my handbag from my shoulder and started looking for my phone, being the stupid person I am and not watching where I was going, I collided with someone, making me and my bag fall to the ground. My books, lipstick, mirror and other items falling along with me.

Damn, my Gucci bag.

"Sorry," the person mumbled.

I pushed my hair from my face and started to collect my items, "it's fine, it was my bad," I said huffing.

"Let me help you," the person said, I finally looked up and came face to face with brown eyes and brown locks of hair.

My breath hitched once I realized who it was, Leonardo Harrison.

Why am I always meeting these Elite people under weird circumstances? well, three more to go and then I've completely embarrassed myself in front of them.

"Thanks," I said quietly as he bent down to help me. I felt eyes burning at the back of my head. I rolled my eyes, wow the first day of school and I already have haters glaring at me because an Elite is helping me.

I feel so special...

"Here," he said, handing me my pink sparkly binder.

We stood up, staring at each other, "Leonardo Harrison," he said, bringing his hand out for me to shake.

I smiled and shook his hand, "Avalon West," his smile grew to my name.

"Well Avalon West, is there a particular place you wish to advance to?" He said and I pushed the remaining hair behind my ear.

I bit my lip to prevent myself from blushing, which I'm sure I was already doing. I cleared my throat, "um," I checked my schedule again, "room 324, Sociology and I don't know where it is," I said with a nervous chuckle.

"I'll help you out, once you have been here for a while, it becomes easy to navigate." He gestured for my handbag, I shook my head as we began to walk down the hall.

"It's okay, it's kind of heavy," I said reluctantly.

He smirked and took it from me anyway, "I don't mind," he said, then, "let us get you to your class." I nodded, then he paused. "Hold on, I left my phone in the lounge room, follow me then we can go to your class," he said.

I contemplated whether or not to follow him because I didn't want to be late on my first day, even though I already was. I sighed, knowing he was the only one that was probably going to help me anyway.

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