Chapter Twenty One:Voguish

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"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I shouted, allowing Leo and Samuel to pull away from each other, Samuel cursed underneath his breath as Leo bit his lip due to nervousness.

"W-What the actual fuck?" I cursed again, I felt anger boil through my veins, because it's not every day you see your boyfriend cheat on you with your new arch enemy.

"Avalon, wait, please, I can explain," Leo begged.

I clenched then unclenched my fist. "Explain what exactly? Oh, how you're cheating on me with a guy who sexually assaulted me," I stated, still screaming.

Samuel scoffed. "I did not sexually assault you," he pointed out.

"Shut it, Martins," Theo said with venom in his voice.

Samuel's eyes adjusted to Theo and he scowled. "Stay out of this, Woods," he said back with much more venom.

"Oh yeah? I will gladly beat your arse up again," Theo said, stepping closer to Samuel. I placed my hand on Theo's stomach prevented him from doing so.

Theo calmed himself and stepped back.

"Avalon, I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you," Leo said and I raised an eyebrow.

"You wanted to tell me before or after we would go out on our next fucking date?" I said, making sure much bitterness was in my voice. Then I looked at Samuel and my blood boiled even more. "And you, you're such a fucking hypocrite, insulting a gay teacher when you're just the same as him," I stated and Samuel's face remained blank.

"Don't ever fucking talk to me again, Leo. I mean it, the same goes for you Samuel," I said with disgust in my voice, grabbing Theo's hand as I angrily walked away from both guys. I can proudly say I now hated most in this world.

I blew into a pink tissue as Jacelyn patted my back gently

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I blew into a pink tissue as Jacelyn patted my back gently.

"It's going to be alright," she reassured me, that made me cry even harder as Theo sat on Jacelyn's bed uncomfortable, unsure of what to do in this situation.

After the whole Leo and Samuel thing, Theo escorted me to my dorm, Jacelyn was already inside and I immediately grabbed my pj's and changed in the bathroom making sure to grab the box of tissues there.

I told Jacelyn what happened after she commanded Theo to get me some ice cream from the cafeteria.

After he came back, I greedily took the ice cream from him and immediately began to shove my face with amazing the bubble gum/cotton candy ice cream.

"H-How could h-he do this t-to me, I'm pretty, I'm smart, I- I'm a very nice person," I continued as I blew my nose then ate my ice cream.

"That's disgusting," Theo stated when I realized some of my snot came down and mixed with my ice cream but I still ate it anyways.

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