Chapter Thirty One:Sharp

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"I love you," those three words can make anyone melt. Those three words that have so much power and so much desired emotion in them. Those three words Theo says to me every time I wake up in his arms.

I smiled and look into his eyes and immediately captured his lips as we laid on his bed. Today we would be going on our official first date and I was nether the less excited about it.

His tugged me closer to him before he rested his left palm on my thigh, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck. Mornings with him were the best.

"I honestly hate kissing people with morning breathe, but you're an exception," I heard him mumble in my mouth, I responded with a quiet moan and deepened the kiss.

Suddenly his phone began to ring but he still continued kissing me, "aren' going to get that?" I mumbled between kisses.

"No," was all he said as he continued kissing me.

"What if it is an important call?" I responded.

"Don't care," he grumbled, flipping us over and now was on top of me. He started to kiss my neck. A small smile appeared on my face but the sound of the phone started to annoy me. I grabbed the phone from Theo's nightstand and saw the word father appear on the screen.

"Theo, your father is calling," I stated as he began to make his way to my chest area.

"Put it on silent, I'll call him back," he insisted, kissing the top of my covered left breast since I was wearing a shirt.

"Theo." I was starting to get annoyed.

He groaned resting his head on my breast before lifting his head and snatching the phone from my grip.

"Yes Father," he said answering the phone whilst he rested his head back on my breast, causing me to roll my eyes. "Yes I know..yes...I'll be home next week," he said before shifting his eyes to me before looking back at the ceiling, "yes, I will ask, she's actually my girlfriend and not a--," he paused before looking back at me, standing from the bed and making his way to his bathroom. He shut the door behind him.

A few minutes later, he emerged back into the room, "let me guess, your parents want to meet me?" I smiled and he sighed before coming back onto the bed.

"Yes, at least Esmeralda will be there," he said talking about his toddler sister, I smiled.

He rested his head back on my breast, "your boobs are incredibly comfortable, it's softer than my pillows," he stated shifting his head so he was now looking at me while still resting on my chest.

"You're so weird," I chuckled and he smirked pecking my breast before laying back on it. "So...first question, what time is our date? Where are you taking me? And what date next week will I meet your family?"

"I'll pick you up at six, I'm not telling you, and Saturday." he replied and I frowned.

"Okay, give me a hint then," I started.


"Please?" I begged as I started to massage his smooth hair.

"Stop," he warned, knowing massaging his hair weirdly turns him on.

"Please daddy," I joked and I saw him close his eyes.

"All I'm saying is that, it's not a normal place to take someone out on a first date," he said and I began to think.

"Museum?" I guessed.


"Finger painting?"


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