Chapter Five:Supreme

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A flight Attendant woke me up, indicating that we have arrived in London, England.

I groaned tiredly and thanked her before rubbing my face and got up to get my hand luggage from the luggage holder above.

Once I got out of the plane, I immediately went on the line that verifys for you to leave the airport then collect your luggage after.

After almost an hour waiting in line, I was able to get all my suitcases after and put them on a luggage carrier as I left the airport.

I went towards the cab area and saw someone holding a sign up that said 'Avalon West'.

I immediately walked up to the man and greeted him, showing him my passport verifying that I am the one he was waiting for.

He put my luggages in the trunk of the car and I stepped inside, he started the engine and began to drive away from the airport.

I sighed and rested my head on the back seat, I had already developed a headache from all this stress and most of it was probably jet lag.

About forty minutes after we pulled up to a gate, he drove in and my jaw dropped.

The school stood high and proud, it was a creme color, not a blemish in sight, the campus was huge as well, it basically had the acres of a town for all I could guess.

I got out of the car and shut the door behind me, still in awe at the sight.

The driver helped remove my luggage from the trunk as a woman walked towards me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Miss West it is a pleasure to have you here, welcome to Royal Hills Academy. I'm Mrs Heights and I will be showing you to your dormitory," She said and we shook hands.

I smiled, "thank you for helping me," I said as we started to walk deeper into the school grounds.

"No, the pleasure is mine. Your great grandfather actually attended this school and was one of the presidents here before he passed away," she said sadly.

I sighed, "Great grandfather Jospeh will surely be missed," I said. He was my Dad's grandpa, which meant he was my great grandfather, he died two years ago from a stroke.

We walked deeper into the school with the driver still carrying my luggage while me and Mrs Heights carried the remaining.

"I understand that you are a sophomore right now, and is transferring for the major in law?"

I nodded.

Based on this academy, it wasn't like a normal high school, it was like a university in a high school form, which meant they prepared you due to the occupation you desired to do in the future.

"Yes, just like my Mom." I said and she smiled.

"Well Miss West, we have the best teachers and counselors here to prepare you for college, so I hope you will be pleased by our staff," she said. "Here is the dormitory, I will show you to your room and you can start getting settled," she continued and I nodded.

All three of us entered into an elevator and Mrs Heights pressed the button for the fourth floor.

Once we left the elevator she guided me and the driver to the door of my dorm room.

She simply knocked before we heard a come in, we entered to see a girl with brown caramel skin with kinky hair on her side of the room on her bed reading a book and listening to music.

"Miss Cambridge, this is Miss West, your new roommate," Mrs Heights said.

The girl stood up from her bed and walked over to us, "Jacelyn," she said, pulling her hand out for me, I gladly shook it.

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