Chapter Thirteen:Posh

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"So tomorrow's the big day!" my Mom said happily smiling at me.

Today was currently Thursday, which meant tomorrow was Leonardo's and I date. I must say I was kind of nervous, I mean, I haven't known Leonardo for that long, but I knew my feelings for him were starting to develop, very - very slowly might I add.

I groaned, I knew I shouldn't have told her about this date because she is always so extra about my love life.

"You know, I remember me and your fathers first date," she reminisced and I groaned again.

Here we go, this now would be the eighty-fifth time she will tell me the story of her and Dad's first date again.

"Mom, please, I've heard this more than I should have," I said rubbing my face. I held my laptop securely on my lap since I was Skyping her.

She smirked, "well, I'm going to tell you anyway Ava. It was a warm beautiful night..." she began and I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, trying to block her out, but of course, that didn't work.

"So I was wearing a crop top with a matching skirt with boots and there your father stood outside, looking so handsome on his motorcycle. Then he took me to this forest and in the middle laid a picnic table, with warm bright lights wrapped around all of the trees surrounding us..."

"Then we ate, talked, your father teaching me about the stars since it was night time was so romantic, and from that point on, I knew your father was the one for me," she said smiling from ear to ear.

"Very touching Mom, gets me every time," I said sarcastically.

She began to laugh, "you know it's just so funny how me and your father even started to really speak to one another," she started and I groaned again.

"Nope, no, nah, please do not tell me the story of how you and Dad started to speak again please. I've heard it more than how many times you told me about your first date," I said, basically begging her now.

"It was junior year in high school," she began and I rolled my eyes but decided to listen or she would scowl at me if I decided to leave her presence, which I was considering right about now.

"So this idiot named Shawn, or was it Shane? Anyways, he was basically boasting how great he was at basketball - he was hooking up with your Aunt Veronica at that time, you remember your Aunt Veronica?" she said and I rolled my eeys, but once again she ignored me.

"Then after he tossed me the basketball he was holding, I accidentally tripped and hit the windshield of your father's car since we were in the parking lot," she said.

I scoffed, "that must have been one powerful trip if it caused the reckoning of a Ferrari," I pointed out and she rolled her eyes.

"Be quiet, Avalon," she said laughing at the end.

"Then as payment for the damage, he asked me to be his fake girlfriend in order to make his ex jealous, then I somehow ended up becoming his real girlfriend...huh, now that I'm saying this to you for the ninety-eighth time, it does sound weird how we got together," she said scrunching her nose.

"Uh-huh," I said not really paying attention to her as I scrolled through my social media on my phone.

She scoffed at me, "Avalon Riley West, don't be rude," she said and I groaned in annoyance as I turned off my phone.

"Mom, I really have to go now, I'm really busy," I said.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "I know you're lying Avalon," she stated and I sighed.

Curse her mom powers.

"Okay, how about this Mom, if you allow me to go off now, I promise I'll give you every detail about my date?" I said and she squealed like a school girl.

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