Chapter Eighteen:Beautiful

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"What are you doing? Put me down right this instant!" I screamed at Theo, of course, he chose to ignore me and continued to carry me towards the direction of the dormitory building.

Some students were outside so I obviously had gotten some envious glares.

And some of them actually looked like they were worried for me, it was probably because they saw the state of my nose.

Well, at least those people have a heart...

Theo hurriedly went to the front door of the dormitory and somehow opened it. I was too lazy to argue with him so I tiredly wrapped my arms around his neck to ensure I wouldn't fall and break another part of my body.

He walked towards the elevator and pressed the button.

"Isn't the nurses' office that way?" I questioned, pointing towards another hallway in the reception.

"Zip it." he hissed.

How rude...

I chose not to talk back to Theo since I knew he had the capability to just drop me on the floor and leave.

Once the elevator door opened, he stepped inside and pressed the button to close it.

"You know I can walk, right?" I asked and he glared at me.

"Didn't I say to zip it?" he said once again.

I immediately closed my mouth and kept quiet. Through observation, it was obvious Theo was a person who would always win in an argument. Wow, and I'm the one studying law.

We stood there.. well, rather, he stood there and carried me in silence as he pressed the button to floor six.

When it opened, he walked out and made his way through a similar hallway like mine before stopping at a double glass door in the middle of the hallway.

My floor definitely did not have this door. He opened it and another set of a hallway appeared. Only, this one looked fancier with almost a silver like wallpaper and some paintings were hung up as well.

I looked around and noticed five double burgundy oak doors.

"Where are we?" I asked.

He fished out an object from the back of his jeans.

"This is me and my friends' dorm rooms in the dormitory building," he said and I nodded in understanding. At least he didn't tell me to shut up this time.

He pulled out a key from his pocket and pushed it into the doorknob of the first door there and twisted it. He pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"What the fuck," I stated when seeing the inside of the so-called, 'dorm' room.

I looked around as Theo placed me on a kitchen stool

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I looked around as Theo placed me on a kitchen stool. "How come my dorm room isn't as big as this or this beautifully architectured," I asked.

Theo went to one of his kitchen cabinets and opened it. "Because this area was customized for me and my friends," he stated.

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