Chapter Twenty Seven:Royal

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"Hello, Avalon," I looked up from my phone to come face to face with Kimberly.

You know, the psycho girl that threatened me to stay away from The Elites.

I was currently in the cafeteria in the corner eating a sandwich while watching a movie on Netflix peacefully. Well, until Kimberly showed up and ruined my calm mood.

"Hello, Kelsey," I said, giving her a fake smile. She scoffed.

"It's Kimberly," she hissed and I shrugged.

"Whatever you say, Kelsey," I said, looking back at my phone. I heard her curse underneath her breath before sitting down next to me.

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow "Um, are you lost?" I asked truthfully, because last time I checked, we aren't the best of friends.

She gave me a tight smile, it was obviously fake but I wanted to know why exactly she was here. "I think you and I should be friends," she said, flicking her strawberry blonde hair.

I scoffed at her and calmly rested my sandwich on my plate, I grabbed my soda and sipped it slowly taking my time causing Kimberly to slightly glare at me.

She closed her eyes and calmed herself before opening her brown eyes and once again gave me a tight smile. "So, what do you say?" She asked and I smiled at her.

"No thanks," I said, about to turn on my phone. Her hand immediately gripped my arm, I glared at her and she quickly removed it.

That fake smile still plastered on her annoying face. "Why not?" she asked through gritted teeth. I scoffed.

"Obviously you want to be my friend to get closer to The Elite's, I'm not stupid, you know," I said, standing up placing my phone in my back pocket and carrying my sandwich and soda in my hands.

Kimberly sneered. "Could have fooled me," she stared and I glared at her.

"but fine, have it your way, I have some valid information for you though, it's a shame you will never get it," she continued. I holt in my steps since I was making my way to the cafeteria front door.

I turned and narrowed my eyes at her. "What information?" I asked and she smirked evilly.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" she said.

I walked towards her. "I'll tell you on one condition," she said and I scoffed.

"Which is?" I asked and her smirk deepened.

"You have to break up with Theo, but you will anyways after seeing this," she stated.

"Wait, what?" I said and she laughed and fake pouted.

"Poor little Avalon actually thought the famous Theo Woods was the perfect guy for her, guess not," she said, bringing out her phone and showing me a video of a guy and a girl was dancing on him. I couldn't make out the guy's face because his back was facing the camera but his and Theo's black slightly swift hair was oddly similar along to the structure of the person hair and body.

I bit my lip. "Let me ask Theo if this is him before I accuse him, send me the video," I said but she smirked.

"Ah, ah, ah, I don't think so," she said and I scoffed.

"I'm not breaking up with him if this is a false accusation, what else do you have in mind?" I said sighing.

"I want to hang out in the lounge for an entire week with The Elite's, of course," she said and my breath hitched, I frowned.

"Kimberly, I don't have the power to do that, I'm not part of The Elite." I stated and she smiled.

"You aren't, but.. you are dating the leader of the group, so it's a win-win," she said and I bit my lip.

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