Chapter Thirty:Unrivalled

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"See isn't this relaxing?" Evelyn asked sighing in relaxation as Jacelyn and I decided to join her at the nearby spa.

"Yeah, these cucumbers are really good. I mean, I've never tried them before, I wonder why." Jacelyn pondered removing the last cucumber from her eyes and eating it.

I chuckled. "well, I definitely needed this. Theo has been busy all week and it's just boring without him, you know." I stated and both girls nodded.

"True, even Ivan is a tad bit busy as well," Evelyn sighed.

"Anywho, me being nosy as usual. Has Theo properly asked you out yet?" Jacelyn asked ecstatically.

I sighed, "nope, we haven't even gone on our first date yet, but I don't blame him. He's been busy and I'm sure eventually he will ask." I reassured them but mostly I was trying to reassure myself.

"Hmm, makes sense, but fair warning, Theo's parents are highly strict. You thought Leo's parents were hard enough, you haven't met his," Evelyn stated.

I sat up from the spa chair, "wait, really? I assumed they were nice," I said surprised.

"Same goes for me," Jacelyn also looked shocked.

Evelyn shook her head no, "no, why do you think Theo is cold-hearted towards people he does not know? It's because of his parents. I mean, sure, just like Theo once you get to know them they are very nice, but they are very-very particular to the girls he brings home," Evelyn said.

My face twisted in confusion, "I thought Theo doesn't even date, well until now," I said.

"He doesn't, well - didn't. That doesn't mean he wouldn't bring girls home to um--" before Evelyn could continue, Jacelyn interrupted her.

"Fuck?" She said bluntly

Evelyn pursed her lips, "exactly," she said looking at me. Probably waiting for me to get angry, I only shrugged.

"I mean, yeah it's kind of not exactly a good quality if Theo was a playboy, but I believe he has changed for the better," I stated truthfully.

Evelyn smiled, "Theo is really lucky to have you Avalon. I was always so concerned about his habits, but I'm happy you came along," she said and I smiled.

"Me too," I said.

"Ugh, I have always dreamed of being here," Kimberly said happily as the rest of us held a scowl on our faces as we all walked inside the lounge

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"Ugh, I have always dreamed of being here," Kimberly said happily as the rest of us held a scowl on our faces as we all walked inside the lounge.

"Don't get too enthusiastic about it. After one week you are out," Evelyn said angrily and once again I felt extremely guilty for allowing this to happen.

All Kimberly did was smirk as she sat down on the expensive couch. I saw Ivan's eye twitch considering it was the seat he mostly sat on.

"So, what do you people do for fun? Surely with your standards and high class selves, I'm sure you all have the times of your lives," Kimberly said with excitement as she gently clapped her hands.

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