Chapter Twenty Eight:High-born

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"Wait, what?" I said and Jacelyn rubbed her temples.

"You know, Leonardo's parents who do not approve of his sexuality and think he's still dating you, Avalon," Ethan said.

"Wait, hold on. What are they even doing here?" Theo asked.

"They are sponsoring the medical program here, so they came to stop by and um.. They want to meet you, Avalon," Jacelyn said biting her lip.

My eyes went huge. "Oh my gosh," I said, combing my hair with my hands. "Like, right now?" I said nervously.

"Yes now, they sent me and Jacelyn to come and get you," Ethan said.

"Wait, where's Samuel?" Theo asked.

Jacelyn sighed. "He's at the lounge with everyone else, but I have a feeling he might curse Leonardo's parents really soon," Jacelyn said worriedly.

"Shit," I said as Theo and I stepped out of his dorm.

"What are we going to do? I can't always be his girlfriend in front of his parents when they are around," I objected as the four of us entered inside the elevator.

Theo rubbed his face tiredly. "We'll figure something out, I mean, whether Mr and Mrs Harrison like it or not, they are going to have to approve of Leonardo's sexuality either way," Theo said and we nodded in agreement.

"I mean, I don't know what's wrong with being gay. Girls are annoying and take up exceedingly too much time to get ready, they talk too much, they complain too much, they—" before Ethan could continue Jacelyn smacked him on the side of his head.

She glared at him. "Fine then, find some guy to fuck with," she said angrily quickening her pace.

"Baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," Ethan said running after her.

"Those two are literally an old married couple," I joked as I looked at Theo, he sighed.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked and he combed through his curly hair.

"I just, I don't know.. I just don't get how his parents don't support his sexuality. No one chooses to be gay, really, it's just who they are," he said and I nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think it's really sweet that you guys support your friend's sexuality. Some friends wouldn't," I said sadly

He looked at me. "Why? Did something happen?" he asked and I bit my lip as we entered into the school building.

"Yeah, there was this girl that was a freshman in my school. She was a lesbian and immediately after she came out to her friends, they abandoned her. Then they started spreading rumours about her, cyberbullying her, calling her ugly, disgusting, different, and an unwanted bitch, and that she would never be accepted and then the taunting got worst until she.. killed herself," I said, I bit my lip.

"I never really knew her, I mean, I would sometimes see her at lunch and to be honest I didn't even know she was bullied because I never paid attention to freshmen and their business. I only heard about the story when she killed herself and even after that, people made videos about her or pictures where she was laying in a coffin saying you deserved it, bitch," I said, sighing.

"That's why when someone is being bullied because of being part of the LQBTQ community I always stick up for them because they shouldn't be bullied because of what or who they are," I continued on and Theo gave me a sad smile and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my temple.

"That's a really nice thing for you to do," he said as we reached the front of the lounge door.

I pecked him on the lips. "Thanks, well, I guess I have to pretend to be Leo's girlfriend now," I said and he smiled.

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