Chapter Four:Superior

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I began to shove my clothes into my suitcase, after all, my flight was tomorrow and I had only packed half of my clothing.

I heard a soft knock on my door, I told them to come in and my Mom entered with a careful smile on her face.

I smiled back as she sat down on my bed, "Mom, do I really have to go?" I asked sadly.

She sighed, "it's out of my hand's sweetie, I'm sure you will enjoy it there, Royal Hills Academy is the best private school in England and only the best students go there," she pointed out and I scoffed.

"But I have to wear a uniform and I hate uniforms," I stated, she lightly chuckled.

"It won't be too bad." She smiled. "It's the only Americanised school in England, it'll follow the same syllabus that we do, but in England..." She informed, "this is for your own good okay? Me and your Dad love you and only want the best for you," she said, standing up and hugging me from the back.

I turned and stared at her stomach, "what if I miss you going into labor?" I asked and she smiled as she rubbed her stomach.

"I'm due in November, which means you will be coming home for Thanksgiving, I know British don't celebrate thanksgiving but, the school follows some American holidays, including thanksgiving," she stated and I nodded.

She cupped my face and I stared into her brown eyes as she stared into my blue ones, me and my brothers inherited our father's eyes.

"You will be okay Avalon, you and I both know you will, it's only temporary, don't forget that," she said and I breathed in and out.

"Okay," I said.

There was nothing to worry about, I'll go there, be a good girl, Dad will send me back here and then everything will turn out fine and go back to normal.

I chanted in my head as Mom helped me pack the remaining things for my leave tomorrow.

After I finished packing and Mom left, I lazily rested on my computer chair and turned on my computer, Mom and Dad knew there was no point in taking my electronics now since I was already leaving.

I quickly went to Google and typed in Royal Hills Academy in England and it immediately came up.

I clicked on their school's page, it showed their classes, tutorials for new students, dorm information and other key information.

I was quite impressed with their choice of uniform, both genders wore a midnight blue blazer with black tie's, while girls wore black skirts with small midnight blue stripes down it and guys wore black pants, both wearing a white button-up top. And judging by the school's pictures on the page, you can design your clothes any way you want, I assumed because some people were not wearing their blazer and some wore sweaters or no blazer nor sweaters at all.

I sighed and turned off my computer, I tried calling Amber today through her house telephone line, but no one answered, I'm sure Aiden will fill her in any way.

"Sup little sis?" I turned my chair to see Aiden walking into my room eating Cheetos.

"Where'd you get those from?" I asked as he sat down on my bed.

"I took it from Ace's secret stash of snacks under his bed, the poor kid thinks I don't know about it," he said as he continued to snack on his chips.

I raised an eyebrow, "um, wouldn't he be wondering where all his snacks and candies are disappearing to?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I told him I saw him sleepwalking in the middle of the night while unconsciously eating them," he said wheezing and almost choking on his Cheetos.

I laughed as well, "you're low key evil I swear Aiden," my comment caused him to laugh harder.

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