Chapter Twelve:Vogue

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I sighed in boredom as my English teacher was explaining the story of Othello to us. I mean, it's a great book, but for Heaven's sake, she makes it sound so boring.

Once again, I sighed in relief once the bell rang indicating class was over, I made sure I was the first one out of the door.

I quickly went to my locker and took out my government notes, the class would begin in about thirty minutes, so I was grateful I had some free time.

Just as I closed my locker, I jumped in fright to see Leonardo smirking at me. I looked around to see envious glances being thrown my way, I mentally rolled my eyes at them.

"God, you scared me," I said slightly laughing at the end.

He scratched the back of his head, "yeah, sorry for that," he said.

I nodded in understanding, "no problem," I said, putting my government notes inside my school bag.

"So what subject do you have next?" I asked, trying to build up a conversation with him as we walked down the halls.

He groaned, "chemistry."

I laughed and gently patted his shoulder, "see, this is why I prefer to be a lawyer rather than a doctor," I said.

He scoffed, "please, there is no way I'm going to law school, that is incredibly hard," he said as we turned right and walked into another hallway.

I playfully rolled my eyes, "oh and being a doctor is so much easier," I said sarcastically.

"Surgeon," he corrected me.

"Doctor, surgeon, same thing," I shrugged.

"Well yes, but I have to be more specific on what field of doctoring I am going to pursue in," he stated.

"And what surgeon are you planning to be?" I asked.

He huffed, "I'm still mixed between heart or brain. My father specialises in heart surgery and my Mum, brain, so I don't know which one to go in to."

I bit my lip, "why not choose another body part or something? It doesn't necessarily have to be in the field your parents are perused in," I stated and he shrugged.

"They said either brain or heart, I do not really have a choice," he said sadly.

Before I could respond, a voice interrupted us, "Hey lovebirds," I turned to see Jacelyn walking over to us with a smirk plastered on her face.

To do list: kill Jacelyn for sure.

I rolled my eyes and glared at her, Leonardo just laughed as Jacelyn finally stood in front of us.

"Hey Jacelyn, where are you heading off to?" Leonardo asked.

She groaned, "I have calculus soon, but I'm heading towards the lounge first, are you attending too?"

"I'm good," I stated and both of them frowned at me.

"Avalon, that's the second time you've turned down the offer, you said the lounge is cool and now you don't want to go, why?" Leonardo questioned.

There really wasn't any reason as to why I didn't want to go there...well, I mean, I'm pretty sure Theo doesn't even like me and I haven't gotten the time to get to know Ivan, Ethan, or Evelyn yet.

I shrugged, "just don't feel like it," I said.

Jacelyn scoffed and tightly tugged on my arm, "well, too bad, you are coming with us," she said and I groaned as she started to drag me towards the direction of the lounge as Leonardo followed closely behind us.

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