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I traced small lines against Theo bare chest. His eyes were closed shut as he was still sleeping. We were both tired and exhausted from the night before. My head rested comfortably on his chest and the blanket wrapped securely protecting our naked frames.

I smiled a little, some girls liked loosing their virginity in a grand gesture type of way. Rose's on the bed, candles being the only source of light in the room and other romantic shit. Me, I personally didn't care, I mean, I never really cared where I lost my virginity particularly as long as it was with someone I truly loved.

Theo's eyes fluttered opened and his stormy gray eyes landed on me and he immediately smiled.
" morning." I said, still tracing lines on his chest.

" morning." he said, pulling me closer and captured my lips in his. I immediately kissed him back, a soft smile on my face while doing so.

" so what's the plan for today?" Theo asked, breaking the kiss.

I shrugged and started to play with his black locks.
" not sure, have you ever been to New York before?" I asked and he nodded.

" only once, but it was only for a day so I didn't get to see much," he stated and I smiled.

" well, looks like today will be the perfect day to go site seeing then." I said chuckling. I removed my head from his chest and looked at the clock near my wall. It was already 8:56 am and breakfast will soon be ready.

I removed myself from the covers and immediately felt the pain between my legs. "great." I mumbled, sarcastically rolling my eyes.

" let me freshen up real quick." I told Theo walking over to my bathroom to use myself and take a quick shower.

Once done, I walked out with a red sundress and sandals to see Theo already dressed in a black top, with gray washed jeans and white Jordan's.
" I took a shower in the room Ivan is staying in," Theo explained, and I nodded handing him a small white towel to dry his hair since it was still a little wet.

I took his hand as we made our way down the stairs to see my friends and the rest of my family in the big dinning room already starting to serve breakfast.

" nice of you to join us Avalon and Theo," mom said shaking her head, a smirk forming on her lips as she sipped her coffee. I ignored her and took a vacant seat next to Ethan as Theo took a seat next to me.

I was surprised how quiet the table was, mom and great-grandmother Cassandra weren't fighting per usual. Ace wasn't behaving stupid along with my cousins and uncle Romeo wasn't making out with his prostitute. It's a true thanksgiving miracle.

" so Avalon, I have already called your school to enroll you back for this new semester." dad said before sipping his juice.

" aw, you're not coming back with us?" Jacelyn questioned frowning and I felt Theo's gaze on me.

I gently placed my fork on my plate after taking a small bite of my pancake. " um, actually dad I was wondering if I could continue my schooling in England. If that's alright with you and mom of course." I said inwardly.

In the beginning, I literally would have done anything to move back to America. But ever since I met the Elite, Jacelyn, and I can't believe I'm saying this, Samuel as well I had a reason to stay. Plus I love Theo and I don't want to leave him.

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