Chapter Twenty:Pretentious

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"Avalon, how could you be so irresponsible." My mom said, scowling at me, okay, so, my parents had indeed found out about the Gucci purse and weren't as enthusiastic as I knew they wouldn't be.

I groaned. "Oh come on, you're acting like it would affect you in the money department. Plus, you buy mom expensive things all the time," I pointed out to dad as I face timed them.

My dad cleared his throat. "That's not the point, Avalon. You still did it without permission. That debit card is for food and important variables only," Dad stated.

I scoffed. "The Gucci purse is an important variable, okay. It was the last one. I can't believe you want me to wait until next month to get it," I gasped. I was actually really hurt, they knew me and my obsession to always have the new and best clothes and accessories.

Dad glared at me. "You're returnin' that purse," Dad said. I laughed and even mom laughed.

"Violetta, seriously?" Dad said, narrowing his eyes at her, she shrugged.

"Oh come on Reece, you and I both know she won't do that, do you even know our daughter at all?" My mom said as she continued to laugh. Dad frowned, obviously not happy mom wasn't taking his side anymore.

I smirked. "Whatever, just don't do it again, your mom and I have to go now," Dad said.

"Where?" I asked.

Mom smiled. "Just going to go have an ultrasound," she said and I nodded before telling them goodbye as I closed my laptop.

I stretched as I got off from my bed and walked towards the bathroom. I had another class in an hour so I decided to rest but I was interrupted by my dad wanting to face time me, an angry expression on both of my parents' faces as they came into view.

I quickly used myself and looked at the time, class would start in fifteen minutes so it was best to leave now.

I grabbed my backpack and left the dorm, going inside the elevator and making my way to the direction of the school.

As I was walking, I heard someone call me. "Hey, American bimbo," I growled underneath my breath in response and turned around to see Samuel walking towards me, I scoffed.

"First, you try to sexually harass me, now you're stalking me. Continue to do this Samuel and I will call campus police on you," I stated, and no, I was not joking in the slightest.

This only caused him to smirk. "I'm not stalking you, I have bio-chemistry class now," he stated.

I simply ignored him and continued to make my way to the schools building, of course, he didn't get the memo that I wanted him to leave me alone because he was now walking beside me.

"Look, I'm sorry for erm...well, what I did in the library," he said and I scoffed as I opened the school door.

I turned to him. "Apology is not accepted, you are a negative attribute to the LGBTQ community. You see women as inferior to men and I wouldn't be surprised if you were sexist as well, which is still seeing women as inferior to men." I snapped as I entered into the schools' hallway.

I heard him scoff from behind me. "I'm not sexist and I am not against LGBTQ. It was the only insult I could come up with for the teacher - if that makes sense?" he said and I turned to face him.

"Look as much as I want to acknowledge your presence I just can't, your very existence irritates me, so bye," I said, making sure my hair slapped his face as I made my way down the hall to my sociology class.                                          


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