Chapter Nine:Elegant

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"Has any guy gotten you pregnant yet Avalon?" Aiden asked and I rolled my eyes.

Me and Jacelyn had just come back from Principal Mason's office to collect our detention slips when Aiden thought it was a good idea to FaceTime me.

"No Aiden, no guy has gotten me pregnant yet."

He frowned, "so you're indicating that a guy will get you pregnant since you used the term yet, that's it, I'm buying a plane ticket and beating whoever this guy's ass is," he said and I knew he wasn't joking.

I huffed, "Aiden, I've only been here for like, what, four days. How do you expect me to already have a boyfriend." I pointed out.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "okay, but no funny business."

"Whatever," I muttered.

"Hey Ava," I heard as Ace jumped on Aiden's bed to join in FaceTiming me.

I smiled, "Hey kiddo, how's school?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes, "same boring as usual."

I giggled.

"Okay, well we're off to go see Ace's soccer game today," Aiden said and I frowned.

This was the first time that I will ever miss one of Ace's soccer games and Aiden's football games as well.

"Ugh, I'm going to miss your guy's games. I feel so bad right now," I said groaning.

They both gave me soft smiles, "don't worry, you know Mom always records it," Aiden said and I playfully rolled my eyes, that woman recorded every game the boys have ever had, to the point she had to buy another camera because the last six were already full and she doesn't believe in saving the videos on a flash drive or computer, to be honest, I have no idea why she thinks like that.

"Can't wait, love you guys so much, I'll see you guys soon, okay?" I said sadly, we said our goodbyes before Aiden logged off.

I placed my laptop on my bed and looked straight at the wall.

"Wow, you really get along with your brothers, me and my little brother constantly fight," Jacelyn said, sitting down on my bed.

I laughed picking the loose threads on my sweater, "well me and my brothers have always been close, our parents definitely made sure of that," I said and she chuckled.

"Does your brother go to this school?" I asked and she shook her head no.

"No, he's still in year 6, he attends Royal Hills primary school, which is in a completely different district," she said and I nodded in understanding.

"Did you have a chance to thank Theo for you know, not getting you expelled?" Jacelyn asked.

I sighed, "nope, I think he's ignoring me." I tried to thank him yesterday after the whole bucket thing, but he brushed me off, so I decided to just leave his presence before he snapped at me like the first day we had met, or at least spoken to one another.

"Okay, am I the only one craving some pizza right now?" I said, standing up and adjusting my jeans.

Jacelyn raised an eyebrow, "you are always ravenous aren't you?" She questioned laughing.

I nodded as I rubbed my flat stomach, "Yup, but at least I still work out, by the way, do they have a gym here?" I asked and Jacelyn stood up from her bed.

She nodded "yes, it's next to the science department, I'll show you after we grab a quick tad-bite to eat," she said placing her phone into her bum shorts.

I nodded as I opened the dorm room door and exited as Jacelyn locked it behind her, we trailed to the elevator as Jacelyn pressed the button to open the elevator, we got inside and she pressed the elevator to go down.

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