Chapter Seventeen:Chic

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I angrily stormed through the halls as I made my way to the front door of the school. I saw a few students glance at me, probably wondering why I was so angry.

It's simple really, that damn idiot you all worship is a complete asshole...

"Heavens, slow down!" I turned to see Jacelyn and Leo trailing behind me.

I rolled my eyes. "God, he's just so infuriating, like is he always such a dick?" I asked. I actually wanted to know the answer to that, because ever since I met him, I'd say he has been nice to me at least three times, the rest of the times he was a dick.

Leo sighed. "He's usually not this snappy after work."

Jacelyn chucked. "I don't know why that word sounded so weird coming out of your mouth," she said and Leo slightly laughed.

I scoffed. "The answer is easy, the guy obviously hates me," I stated. No one can change my mind about that because that is my conclusion and I am not changing it.

Jacelyn scoffed this time. "Oh come on, if he hated you, he would have been a lot worse on you," she pointed out.

"He called me a whore once," I said with no emotion on my face what so ever.

Jacelyn bit her lip. "Okay, so possibly he does actually hate her," she stated.

"See," I said aggressively.

Leo chuckled. "He will come around, just give him some time, he doesn't know you very well, that's the reason I assume," he said. I nodded in understanding.

"Hopefully," I mumbled.

"Did you guys find out the sex of the child yet?" I had asked mom and dad since I was face timing them

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"Did you guys find out the sex of the child yet?" I had asked mom and dad since I was face timing them.

Mom smiled. "Yes, it's a girl," she said happily while dad had a blank face. It was obvious he wasn't as happy as mom was.

"Aww, and you are due next month, I can't wait to meet her," I said, smiling. This finally caused dad to crack a smile.

"Yes, and we've already thought of a name," Dad said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? What?" I asked.

Mom smirked. "It's a surprise. We were thinking that when she is born we will announce the name," Mom said. I nodded.

"Please tell me it's not some weird name at all," I mumbled and dad scoffed.

"It's not," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You guys named Ace's middle name Rain," I pointed out.

Mom frowned. "That was your Aunt Ocean's doing and you know it," Mom pointed out and I smiled.

"By the way, when are Aunt Ocean and the rest coming?" I asked.

"Well, we've decided that everyone would come for your sisters birth. They really can't wait to see her," Dad said and I nodded in understanding.

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