Chapter Twenty Nine:Grand

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"I'm incredibly worried about him," Theo stated as we sat in the living room at his dorm, him sipping red wine and me sitting across from him snuggled with a pillow. The aftershock of Leo parents arriving was only two hours ago, creating a self disturbing depression for all of us.

"But his mom said she will talk to his dad," I objected.

Theo sighed. "Avalon, I think by now you should understand Mr Harrison is a very complex and complicated man. Not even his family can come across to him when it involves money and power," he stated sipping his wine angrily.

I pursed my lips and stood up. Standing in front of Theo I removed the wine from his hand and placed it on the coffee table beside him and gently sat on his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently started to comb through his black locks of hair, "at the end of the day, Leo is going to be fine. He won't let the idiotic intentions of his father bring him down." I said as Theo wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"I know, I know. it's just for so long, Leo has always been there for me. I knew him before I knew Ethan, Evelyn, and Ivan. Yeah, they are my best friends, but, I've always had a stronger connection with Leo and the fact that he had to watch his own father disapprove of his way of expressing himself, it's..." he paused and sighed again.

I placed one palm on his cheek and caressed it, "Leo will be fine, Theo. He loves Samuel so much, and as does he. He won't let his father or anyone else get in the way when he loves someone. I may not know all of you guys exactly well, but, what I do know is, you guys would do anything for your friendship and the people you love. That's pretty amazing," I smiled.

Theo gently touched the back of my neck and pulled me closer until our lips slightly touched.

"I love you, so fucking much," he said breathlessly.

I looked into his storming gray eyes. "I love you too," I blurted out unexpectedly. I blinked and immediately removed myself from his lap. "I-I mean, I love how passionate you are about your friendship and yeah," I said turning and walking over to the kitchen.

Way to now make things awkward.

I quickly got a glass of water from the cabinet and filled it with faucet water, "Avalon," Theo said gently as I began to drink the water very-very slowly. Maybe if I continue to drink it slowly to avoid the next conversation Theo would get annoyed and kick me out of his dorm room. Hopefully leaning close to that idea.

I felt Theo's hand on my left shoulder as he turned him around, "Avalon." he said gently again.

I motioned to the glass cup with my index fingers indicating I can't talk to him since I'm drinking water. He gently removed the glass cup from my hand and placed it in the sink behind me allowing him to move closer to me.

"Is what you said true?" He asked and I bit my lip. I saw his eyes land on my lips before looking into my eyes again.

"I-I don't know, I mean this is all new to me. I've never really taken relationships seriously. But, I want this one to work," I said nervously, avoiding his gaze.

"But." I said now looking at him "I don't know what I feel exactly for you right now," I said moving closer to him as I placed my hands on his abs running my hands up and down as I felt his breath hitch, " I am positive it's more than a silly dumb crush, Woods, and it's definitely more than just having simple feeling for one another," I now whispered in his ear as he remained completely still.

"One more thing," I said smirking at him, he looked at me with emotion in his eyes.

"What?" He asked deeply.

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