Chapter Twenty Two:Noteworthy

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She raised her eyebrow and stared at me.

"Please, do you mind repeating what you just said?" she stated and I chuckled.

"I," I said slowly. "am going to help you get over Leo," I said and she scoffed.

"Oh please, if that website told you to either toilet paper his house or get a picture of him and tape it to the board while throwing darts at his face, then I think I'm good," she exclaimed.

I frowned a little because that was what it actually stated, I was thinking about doing the dart idea though.

"Do you have anything in mind?" she asked. I watched as she scrunched her nose, her light freckles stood out more as she brushed a few strands of brown hair that had fallen in front of her face.

"Theo," she said in an annoyed tone, I immediately snapped back to reality.

"What did you say?" I asked.

She sighed before she made her way to her vanity table and grabbed a brush to comb her hair.

"I said, do you have anything in mind?" she stated again turning to me.

I thought about it for a moment before smirking. "Be ready in an hour," I said, she raised her eyebrow.

"I hope none of this requires death or pain," she said and my smile grew.

"Probably, or probably not," I said walking towards her door.

"Be ready," I stated again before leaving her room and making my way to the direction of my room.

There was something about Avalon West that I was intrigued by. Maybe it was because when she first met me she didn't flaunt herself over me like most girls at our school did. Rather, I found it extremely sexy how she stood her ground each time we encountered one another.

It wasn't like I had a crush on her immediately, actually, I did somehow dislike her in the beginning, but then I got to know her better and that dislike immediately turned into an annoying crush.

When I found out she and Leo were going out on a date, a huge part of me already knew I lost all chances I had with her, but still, I continued to be happy for my best friend that he finally was ready to settle down, I was genuinely happy for them, even though I already developed feelings for Avalon at that time.

Then, it turns out Leo was secretly gay, which no one would have ever expected, and it could be understandable that he was just basically using Avalon. Reason for doing that, I do not know yet.

After I took a shower and changed, I went back to Avalon room, I knocked on the door and a few seconds later she opened it. She was wearing a simple yellow sundress with sandals but yet she still looked beautiful. In fact, she can look beautiful in anything she wears because she is beautiful.

"Dude," she said, I snapped back to reality.

"Yeah?" I said, she chuckled.

"You zoned out for like one minute and I kept calling you," she said.

"S-Sorry," I stuttered.

Fuck, what is this girl doing to me.

She raised her eyebrow. "You okay? You seem a little agitated," she stated.

I cleared my throat so my voice wouldn't come out weirdly.

"Nope, no agitated here," I replied, I mentally facepalmed at my choice of words.

She narrowed her eyes at me but decided not to continue on the topic, at which I was grateful for.

"Okay, let me get my phone then we can go," she said entering her room, I sighed, relieved.

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