Chapter Fourteen:Aesthetic

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"Breathe In, Now Breathe Out," the yoga instructor said calmly.

"Jacelyn, I think I just broke either my spine or my rib," I groaned in pain.

Jacelyn easily did a split and bent her head back so it touched the ground.

I blinked at her standard of flexibility.

"Let all your chakras connect," Jacelyn said softly.

I raised an eyebrow at her," did you seriously just use a term from Avatar the Last Airbender ?" I asked and she hummed in response.

You are probably wondering why me and Jacelyn are in a yoga class right now. Well it's simple, being the weird person Jacelyn is, she suggested that we go to a yoga class around the campus, so I wouldn't be stressed about the date or nervous, or whatever she said because she was rambling too fast while explaining it to me.

I told her continuously that I'm fine and that I'm not stressed or nervous to which she said she could feel the tension in my spines and soul. To be honest, I think I was debating whether to slap her or not.

"That's all for today's lesson, my children, please don't forget to get the flyers for next week's class at the front door," the yoga instructor reminded.

"Shit," I hissed when standing up. My spine made a cracking sound in a way it shouldn't have.

Jacelyn smiled, "yes, let all that tension out Avalon, feel the energy of the chakras..." she murmured.

I was about to launch at her if it wasn't for the instructor who stood in front of us.

"Miss. Cambridge, thank you very much for bringing your friend here, you were right, I could spot the tension in her spine and with a few more lessons, she will be reborn," the instructor said smiling at me. She looked so strange, like the clown from the movie IT when she smiled.

"I think I'm good, my spine has had enough for one day and I would like to be able to walk before my date, so thank you very much," I said, turning on my heel and ignoring the pain in my lower spine.

Me and Jacelyn walked to the bus stop with a gym mat in our hands, a water bottle and towel too.

"Are you sure you are not apprehensive about you and Leonardo's first date?" Jacelyn asked and I rolled my eyes.

Why does she keep asking me this? Jeez.

"Jacelyn, the more you ask, the more nervous I become," I stated, slightly annoyed.

She smirked, "so you are nervous?"

I clenched, then unclenched my fist.

Lord help me.

I bit my lip to suppress myself from snapping at her, she was my only friend here at this school and I don't like the idea of being a complete loner in a new school.

"Sure, why not?" I said, giving in to defeat, this girl just knows how to push my buttons.

She squealed, "yes, I knew it! Aww, I can't wait for you two to get together, then get married, then have kids, then have grandkids, then possibly die before you get to meet your great grandkids...but hopefully not, but just in case you will--," she rambled on.

I sighed in relief when the bus arrived and me and Jacelyn quickly entered inside.

Jaclyn immediately went to text on her phone.

I smirked, "oh, is it Ethan you are texting?" I teased, it was only fair, she always pressured me about Leonardo, now it's payback.

Jacelyn snorted, "you wish it was Ethan. I'm texting my friend, Lindsay from English class," she said and I raised an eyebrow.

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