Chapter Ten:Exclusive

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I watched intensively as Ethan brought Jaclyn closer to him, never breaking away from the kiss. At first, she tried to push him away, but soon after she relaxed into the kiss and rested her arms around his shoulder.

I was quite shocked at how Jacelyn was kissing one of the 'so-called famous Elite members' but really, I was here sighing, realizing how much of a single pringle I was.

I cleared my throat, indicating for them to stop, mostly because I have been watching this for the past five minutes now and I really want to go back to the dining hall and finish my pizza.

I cleared my throat again and still, they didn't get the memo.

I huffed, standing up and was about to tap either Jacelyn or Ethan before I felt a hand around my arm tugging me away from them.

I turned to see Theo, taking me away and sitting me down on an empty bench a little further from Jacelyn and Ethan.

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" I said aggravated.

"All I will say is that they needed to rekindle their relationship, so it is best to leave them alone," he said, sitting down next to me.

"Hold up, back it up," I said and he looked at me weirdly. I cleared my throat, "I mean, hold on a second - rekindle, plus relationship, plus them kissing equals they were in a relationship before right?" I said dramatically gasping and covering my mouth.

He rolled his eyes, "that was obvious from the start when you saw them kissing, wow, you are slow," he said and I glared at him.

"Oh shut up, it's not every day you see your roommate making out furiously with an...umm--" I didn't know what to say exactly.

"With people like us?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Woah, I'm not trying to be racist here or anything, I respect British people," I said.

He opened his mouth before closing it, "wait, what?"

"You know what, never mind, now tell me how in Davy Jones' locker did this happen?" I questioned.

He sighed, "it is not my place to tell, ask Jacelyn. When she's ready to tell you, she will," he said standing up and was about to walk away.

I quickly took hold of his hand and immediately released it when he looked at me, "um, I just wanted to say thanks for um...not getting me into trouble the other day, I really appreciate it," I said giving him a soft smile.

He was about to say something, but he got interrupted by someone calling us. I turned to see the rest of the Elite group and Jacelyn walking towards us.

I stood up from the bench and stood next to Theo.

Jacelyn bit her lip, "I'll explain it later because I'm sure you are extremely confused," she said and I nodded my head yes.

"Yes, more confused than I usually am during math class," I stated.

"Relatable," Leo spoke up.

"Well, we didn't introduce ourselves to you formally, I'm Ethan," the guy who just a few minutes ago was making out furiously with my roommate said.

We shook hands, "and I'm his twin Evelyn and this is my boyfriend Ivan," she informed and I shook both of their hands.

"Avalon," I spoke and Evelyn smiled.

"That's a pretty name," Evelyn complemented to which I thanked her.

"So Avalon, what part of the states are you from? I assume you are either American or Canadian, due to your accent," Ivan asked.

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